MINUTES OF MEETING VIERA EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Viera East Community Development District was held on Thursday, March 28,2024 at 7:00 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 5550 Faith Drive, Viera, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Jennifer DeVries Vice Chairman Ron Rysztogi Assistant Secretary Bill Macheras Assistant Secretary Denise Yelvington Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jeremy LeBrun GMS Jim Moller Golf Maintenance Superintendent Residents FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m. All Supervisors were present with the exception of Mr. Dale. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. TIDRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Showe: The next item we have is the Public Comment Period. We can note for' purposes of our recording that only members of the Board and staff are present. March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the February 22, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Showe: Next are the minutes. I know that just for the Board's information, Jennifer has submitted some clarifications. So, we'll have those corrected in the final version and we can take any other corrections or changes or a motion to approve as amended. On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Mr. Rysztogi with all in favor the Minutes of the February 22, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting as amended were approved. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business A. Consideration of Reserve Advisors Reserve Study Proposal Mr. Showe: Behind that, we discussed the Reserve Study proposals at your workshop, so, based on Board direction, we've just presented you the Reserve Advisors proposal. I did send you their comments on their financial capabilities. Again, I find that basically working with them, that's very accurate. So, if you're still comfortable with moving forward with them, it would be our recommendation to go ahead and approve that proposal, but we can certainly take any Board comments or direction at this point. Ms. DeVries: We were going to have questions to both vendors. One of them was stronger with accounting and the other one was stronger in engineering. Reserve Advisors was stronger with the engineering and we asked about their accounting. Mr. Showe: Right. Ms. DeVries: Did we ask about the engineering to the other company? Mr. Showe: The understanding that I had, was that the Board really wanted to move forward with this one. So, I just asked them that question. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Ms. Yelvington: I liked their answer. Ms. DeVries: Yeah. Ms. Yelvington: I felt like their answer was very good, that they were using AICPA and FICPA standards and all of that. So, I'm fine with them. Ms. DeVries: Okay, good. I like their proposal as well. Mr. Showe: I think the timing is good, based on your next meeting. If they get in and we get them signed and get their retainer spent, likely by the time we get into your real budget 2 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD discussion, they should have already completed their study. So, we'll have those numbers, that we can roll into your budget discussion. Ms. DeVries: Alright. So, do we need to make a motion on that? Mr. Showe: We can take a motion to approve the minutes. Ms. DeVries: Okay. On MOTION by Ms. Yelvington seconded by Mr. Macheras with all in favor the proposal with Reserve Advisors for a Reserve Study in the amount of $9,750 was approved. B. Discussion of Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Schedule Mr. Showe: It's obviously early, but we wanted you to see the budget schedule. We have a couple new folks on the Board that haven't really been through the budget process yet, so this kind of gives you a flavor of what we'll do. At your May meeting, we'll have you approve what's called a Proposed Budget. Note that that's just a starting point. The real point of that, is to determine if you guys want to raise assessments or not. From there, we'll go into workshops where you can rearrange all of the numbers any way you'd like, as long as it fits within those assessment levels. I don't think I've seen anything that gives me concern that we have to raise assessments. So, it will really be a question of the level of service and level of reserves you want to assess for. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Showe: But again, that's the schedule. So, we'll go through several meetings where we'll work the General Fund, and then we do the same thing with the Golf Course Fund. That gives you plenty of time to digest the information, really get in depth as you need to with those individual account lines. Certainly, Jim and I will be really hands on, through that process, but we wanted to get you that ahead of time so you can look at your summer schedule and ask any questions in advance that you might have. Ms. DeVries: I really appreciate that. Thank you. Jason. Mr. Macheras: Can we post something like that separate on the website? Mr. Showe: Yeah. After tonight, we'll post that budget workshop. That way the public is aware of what we do. In addition, as the Florida Statutes require, when you approved the 3 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Proposed Budget, that also gets posted. Then we try to keep that up to date as we make changes and as you guys refine it. But again, just know that that one in May is just your starting point. ~r.~acheras: ()kay. Mr. Showe: We typically don't expect that, especially in this District, to be perfect or accurate and we know that there will be lots of changes from that point. Ms. DeVries: But we do need to, at that point, decide if we're raising assessments or not. Mr. Showe: Right. It's not a drop-dead date, if you decide to make those changes later. The real drop-dead date with any assessment increases, is we're required to send out a 21-day mailed notice, in advance of your budget hearing. That goes to every resident affected by the assessment increase. So, if you do raise it even a dollar, we have to send out about 4,000 letters. So, that's just kind of something to keep in mind as we go through the process. We'll keep you up to date on all that as we move through. Ms. DeVries: Okay. I had some questions about that, but I think we'll ask that when we get into the budgets. Mr. Showe: Okay, SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Action Items List Mr. Showe: Next we have the Action Items List. We have a preliminary map from your engineer and I have to follow up on where he's at with finalizing that water study. I think that ties into the stormwater response letter. The driving range parking is in permitting with Brevard County. Ms. DeVries: Okay. I saw a relatively large charge from Brevard B()CC. ~r. Showe: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: Was that for this process? Mr. Showe: It was for the permit. Ms. DeVries: It was for the permit, wow. Okay, Mr. Showe: That's for us to apply for the permit. Ms. DeVries: Okay, Mr. Showe: Yes. We're also still working with the Water Management District, on the issues of the lake withdrawal. They're still reviewing all of their internal parts. I know that Jim and Michelle are working on the park improvements as they go along. 4 March 28,2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Okay. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS StaffReports A. General Manager's Report i, Consideration ofBunker Proposal Mr. Showe: Next is your General Manager's Report. Mr. Moller: Alright. We can probably start with the Landirr proposal. I had Landirr make the adjustments. It did make reference to the scope of work, more so in the email than in the actual proposal. They did change the grand total to a not-to-exceed amount. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: Then when they emailed back, they actually attached our scope ofwork to it. Ms. DeVries: Okay. It wasn't in our packet. This wasn't your scope ofwork, was it? Mr. Moller: That didn't change. But basically, in my conversations with Landirr, they just made changes. So, this is what they sent back. They sent the front page of their proposal and our scope of work as the secondary page. Ms. DeVries: This is our scope ofwork. Mr. Moller: Correct. Ms. DeVries: Ah, okay. I saw something from you that had it hole by hole. Mr. Moller: The measurements, yes. Ms. DeVries: All ofthe measurements? Mr. Moller: Yes. Ms. DeVries: That's what I was anticipating would be attached. Mr. Moller: It's not going to be exact, because we're going to change it as we go. That was based just on a percentage. It's going to be close, but it's not going to be exact. Ms. DeVries: Okay. So, I am recommending a couple more changes to this. One is that I would like the top line to be, "Viera East GolfCourse "instead of "Club. " Mr. Moller: Okay. Ms. DeVries: Since we try to get the names right. Mr. Showe: Officially, it probably should just be to the CDD. Ms. DeVries: To the CDD. Yeah. Mr. Showe: That way, it's crystal clear. 5 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Right. The other one is in the second section that says, "Proposal is based on, " I will give you the language, but it is in the attached scope of work, as I want the proposal to reference the statement of work. Mr. Moller: Okay. Mr. Showe: For the Board's information, which I talked to Jennifer about as well, we have a formal contract that we'll have them sign. We've done that with Landirr before in a lot of their projects. So, once we get the final scope and you guys approve this in the form, we have a formal contract that's been through our accounting and our attorneys, that we'll have them sign, that lays out a lot more of the warranties and the other things that protect the District. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Does anybody else have comments on this? Ms. Yelvington: I have a couple of questions. How does it affect the game of golf while they're doing the project? Mr. Moller: Depending on where the bunker is located, we might have to close that hole for a couple hours. Kind of like when we did the irrigation project, we might have 17 holes open. They can either take a net par on the hole or they can play another similar hole. So, if a Par 3 is closed, they can play another Par 3 twice. We're doing it in August, when basically it's the slowest time of the year. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Moller: So, it really won't affect too much. Ms. Yelvington: When we did the irrigation, were our revenues down, because of the project? Mr. Moller: Probably a small percentage, but we really didn't see a huge drop-in play. I thinkalot ofpeople areverythankful andIguess happy... Ms. Ye1vington: Happy to see the improvements. Mr. Moller: Happy to see the improvements. Yes, thank you. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Macheras: You know this is probably before the Board changed. I forgot what it was they did, but they put temporary greens down. Mr. Moller: When they did the bulkheads. Yeah. Mr. Macheras: I think they even reduced the price. So, like, somebody like me that, you know, hitting 100, and there's another golf course there. I forgot which one. I was talking to 6 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDO somebody yesterday, that they're going to close down for a year or two while they redo it. I forgot what course it was. Mr. Moller: Crane Creek. Mr. Macheras: They are closing it. Mr. Moller: The Great Outdoors as well. Mr. Macheras: Is that right. When I went out there, the temporary greens were busy. So, to stay open and go through a major project, a lot of places just close, which to me just makes no sense. Ms. Yelvington: Right. Did we offer discounted fees during the irrigation project? Mr. Moller: I don't think we did. Mr. Macheras: With the greens, it was different because the greens were just a piece of the fairway. So, it changed the game. Mr. Moller: Actually, what you're talking about is when they actually redid the greens. Mr. Macheras: Okay. It's been a few years, where at least in this process, we can still use 17 holes and it's still the same. Mr. Moller: Yeah. We still have 17 greens. Mr. Macheras: They are played the same way, where those greens changed the game. You never hit on a flat green. Mr. Moller: Yeah. Usually you hit a temporary green, it's considered a one putt and you move on. Mr. Macheras: Yeah. So that's good. Ms. Yelvington: That's all I have. Mr. Moller: Anything else? Alright. So, I'll go to the CDD report. Ms. DeVries: Do we need to make a motion on this one? Mr. Showe: Yeah. I would recommend, if the Board is amenable, to make a motion to approve the proposal subject to changes and also subject to staff drafting up the formal agreement for Landirr to execute. On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Mr. Rysztogi with all in favor the bunker proposal with Landirr in a not-to-exceed amount of $262,800, subject to changes and staff drafting up the formal agreement for Landirr to execute was approved. 7 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Mr. Moller: Alright. On March 18th, the CDD crew started the fire line break. They went out and scouted that Friday prior. In the last couple scouting efforts that they had, some of the areas were still a little too wet and swampy for the machine to go out, but like I said, they started on the 18th and they're making really good progress. I did send Michelle an updated schedule to put out with the new dates and timelines. The shoreline project, they should be sodding right now, Lakes 31 and 37. Lake 31 is in Herons Landing and Lake 27 is in Hammock Lakes. Then after that, there's one more left, which is in The Heritage, which is a small, little 140-foot linear foot lake. So, that shouldn't take them no time at all. Ms. DeVries: They're doing what to the lakes? Mr. Moller: Re-sodding. Ms. DeVries: Like around the edges? Mr. Moller: Yes. So, after they put the geo-tube bags, they replace the sod. Ms. DeVries: Okay. They placed the geo-tube bags there. Mr. Moller: Right. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: Yeah. So, all the geo-tubing is done and they're just laying sod. Ms. DeVries: For the new folks, the whole geo-tubing concept is to prevent lake erosion. So, we've working on placing these geo-tubes along the edges, which help with erosion. Jim can explain it better than I can. Mr. Moller: Yeah. They are re-fortifying the shoreline, the lake banks, to stop any future erosion. Mr. Macheras: What was the other thing that we talked about? Ms. DeVries: The little triangle things. Mr. Moller: There is a grant where the students of FIT, Marine Resource Council, are building prisms. They go out a couple feet into the shore break, and they have some plantings in there and as the waves approach the shore, it dissipates the wave energy. It's a lot cheaper than the geo-tubes and they're looking into grants from the State of Florida. I think a couple Board meetings ago, we did approve one little test site. Ms. DeVries: We did. Mr. Moller: We're waiting on the final engineering specs on these. 8 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. I'm curious what that looks like. Mr. Moller: Actually, the prism itself is going to be submerged so you won't see it. There are actually holes in the little concrete prisms, where they'll plant spartina grass or any kind of aquatic vegetation in there. So, there will be a little strip of aquatic vegetation to help with the wave energy. The sidewalk repairs on the west side of Murrell Road, is in progress right now. That was a contract from Don Bow, to replace a broken sidewalk. Unfortunately, on the west side, we are still waiting to hear back from Brevard County. I know that Ed has called him numerous times and we're not getting a lot of quick responses from them. Ms. Yelvington: Is it by that Oak tree? Mr. Moller: Right there by the Oak tree, that little culvert area right there by the 14th green and almost by Clubhouse Drive. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah, it's terrible. Mr. Moller: Yeah, it's really bad. Ms. Yelvington: There is a sidewalk right there. Okay. Mr. Macheras: I've been watching during Spring Break, a lot of the golf carts maneuvering around the break in the sidewalk. Mr. Moller: Yeah, the pros know the way to go. Mr. Macheras: I mean, I'm talking about just the residents. As we drive our golf carts over the sidewalks, they're maneuvering around the broken areas. Mr. Moller: Yeah. A lot of people coming from the developments, will use our little ' maintenance shortcut that we have, the little shell there. Mr. Macheras: Is that right? Mr. Moller: Yeah, instead of going to the intersection and making a right. Other than that, we finished the turf on the dog park mounds. It actually turned out really, really well. So, hopefully, we won't see much more deterioration from there. Other than that, the upkeep on that, just in the early stages, we'll just have to top dress with sand, for any kind of imperfections in there. Just add a little sand. The sand will filter through the turf, to help smooth it out. Other than a blower, there's no more maintenance really involved with that. Underneath those Oak trees, we could not get the grass to grow. With the traffic ofthe dogs and the shade from the Oaks, it was a losing battle. Other than that, golf course maintenance, we approved the bunker proposal. We got delivery of our bulk nutrients for the golf course. So, as soon as the company we purchased the 9 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD fertilizer from, frees up one of their bulk spreaders, which should be next week, we'll start the bulk nutrition on the golf course. Financials, as of yesterday, golf round revenue is sitting at $224,000. Last year, we did $254,000. We have a budget of $241,000 in that line item, so we should easily tie, if not surpass. We do have a weekend coming up, which is usually our moneymaker on Friday and Saturdays. The weather forecast is awesome. Food and beverage, as ofyesterday, was sitting at $74,000. Last year, we did $80,000, which is very nice. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Moller: So, yeah, basically, golf is on track to at least match and food and beverage is set to surpass it. Like I said, especially with this weekend, I anticipate golf finishing around $260,000 in round revenue and food and beverage around $87,000, based on averages. One of the biggest things we've noticed this year, I know I talked about before, was weather. 2024 has seen 15 weather affected days, of which six were total closures. In 2023, we saw six total with zero closures. So, that's kind of the difference. So again, taking balls of averages. I think we lost about $70,000 to $80,000 by closing the golf course this year compared to last year. Weather is the almighty when it comes to outdoor sports. Mr. Macheras: What's your plan to fix that? Do you have a plan? Mr. Moller: Big umbrellas. Ms. Yelvington: Bubble wrap. Mr. Moller: One thing that I did come across on the food and beverage financials, the salary line item was about $5,500 too high. In January, there was an accounting thing, when we got the reports from Applied Business Solutions, where somehow, we received a $5,000 credit in administration fees instead of the normal charge. Somehow that affected the salary line item, as the January salary line item was low. So, the January line items are a little bit higher. Ms. DeVries: We've had these situations before where things get allocated to the wrong month and then we're like, what? Mr. Moller: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: So, that's why the salary under food beverage seemed high. Ms.DeVries: Because itwas part ofJanuary. Mr. Moller: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: Okay. 10 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Mr. Macheras: I'm just curious. Do they clock in and out? Do they have a time card? Mr. Moller: Through the TOAST POS System, the employees clock in and clock out. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Mr. Moller: Anyone who's managed employees, know that's a battle just having them clocking in and closing out. They'll clock in and forget to clock out and then we'll see someone has 23 hours in one day. Golf operations, Dave's Spring kids camp is in full gear. We had a total of 15 kids sign up. Mr. Macheras: Good. Mr. Moller: So, that was pretty good. It was David and Phil and he got help from one of the car park guys. Ms. DeVries: And how did it go? How's it going? Mr. Moller: It's going very well. Ms. DeVries: Are the kids having a great time? Mr. Moller: Yeah. We kicked around some ideas. In talking with the Mike Hogan camp, he's been pretty established for years. So, me and David were kicking around some ideas of maybe having a second camp, a more elite camp. A lot of the kids that go to Mike's camps are younger beginning golfers. I think what David and Mike concentrate on, are school age kids, maybe a little bit older, that play the game a little bit and have a good background, so he can teach the skills to take them farther, so they can go out for their school golf teams and things like that. Ms. DeVries: Okay, sounds great. Mr. Moller: I think we can probably charge a little bit more and get a little bit more bang for their buck. Ms. DeVries: Sounds great. Mr. Macheras: I am trying to remember if schools signed up as a team or something, where they have eight players or something like that. But like you say, you have a lot of options if you go after that class of kids that already have some skills and interest. Mr. Moller: One thing that I just wanted to put out there, I know there was some discussions when I hired a new Head Pro at a much different wage than our previous Head Pro. Year-to-date, we made an extra $1,100 in lessons and our merchandise sales profit is over $14,000. So, ifyou take his salary out ofthe equation, we're ahead ofthe game by $9,000. 11 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Great. Thank you. Mr. Moller: So, I think it was a very good hire. Other than that, on April 22nd , our Head Pro, David, and our part-time Assistant, Philip, are going to be competing at a pro event for the North Florida PGA. So, hopefully, they will put Viera East on the map and do well and get us going out there. Ms. DeVries: That's great. Will we get pictures, because it's something that Michelle can promote? Mr. Moller: I will make sure that some pictures are taken. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: At least a selfie or something. Ms. DeVries: Alright. Mr. Moller: Other than that, we had some interviews for Inez's position this week. Two really good candidates stood out. I'm going to contact both of them tomorrow to get some more feedback on true interests, but I think we found two good quality candidates, depending on which one to choose. Ms. DeVries: Now you have to decide. Mr. Moller: That's the hard part. Ms. DeVries: It is the hard part. Yeah. Mr. Moller: After we had that last interview, I was like, "Man, why did they have to be so good?" Ms. DeVries: Yeah, right. Mr. Showe: That's a better experience than most folks have. Mr. Moller: Exactly. Mr. Showe: It's a good problem to have. Ms. DeVries: It is. Mr. Moller: Other than that, the only other thing that I'm kind of working on, on the side, is when you come into one of the breezeways, if you're approaching the pro shop and you make a right down the breezeway, we used to have an old scoring section, which is kind of like a little alcove. Ms. DeVries: Everybody posted their leagues, sign up and all that. Oh, I'm very familiar. 12 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Mr. Moller: Storage is a hot commodity for us. We have the lack of storage everywhere. I found some options for basically just roll up garage doors. We can get it painted the same as the walls. I'm thinking about getting some prices on that. It's going to probably be in the $4,000 range. That's something I can probably amortize over the course of the year in the line item and kind of hide it somewhere. But I think just the additional storage will help a lot. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: Whether it be dry storage or liquor storage for the restaurant, so they're not having to go through the cart bam all the way to the back, especially after all of the golfers are in and all the golfcarts are in, trying to navigate through the cart bam with all the golf carts holding a couple bottles of liquor. Ms. DeVries: Yeah. I see it could get pretty hot out there in the Summer, couldn't it? Mr. Moller: Not in the breezeway. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Alright. Mr. Moller: Yeah, out of the direct sun. It would basically just be ambient temperature. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: Yeah. I'm just looking at that, just trying to find extra storage. Ms. DeVries: Yeah, I understand. Mr. Moller: Other than that, that's all I have. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Ms. Yelvington: I have some questions. Mr. Moller: Yes. I figured there would be. Ms. Yelvington: I'm sorry. I'm just a pain. Ms. DeVries: No, you're not. Please. Mr. Moller: No. That's what we're here for. Ms. Yelvington: Can I ask some questions on the financials? Mr. Moller: Sure. Ms. Yelvington: So, when I was looking at the financials for Hook & Eagle, there are a couple of things that I guess drew my attention. First, the entertainment line has a budgeted amount and nothing in the actual. Mr. Moller: So, that has been transferred to marketing. That's now part of Michelle's budget. 13 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: Yeah, that was one of the items, just by way of history, when we did the budget, again, we do the budget in August and it was about a month or two later that the Board decidedtheywantedtokind ofroll everything ofthe marketing linesintothe GeneralFund. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: So, even though there's a line there, we don't charge anything. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Got it. Mr. Moller: Yeah. I think there was also a line item in golf ops, too. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Ms. Yelvington: Are beer sales really down $20,000? Is that how I reading that? Ms. DeVries: I'm trying to get to that page. Ms. Yelvington: It is Page 13 of the financials. Mr. Moller: From last year? Ms. Yelvington: The prorated budget amount for our revenues at the end of February from beer sales, were just under $75,000 and it says that the actual is $55,000. So, my concern is that fridge. That's why I'm bringing it up, because I don't know if there's a good way of monitoring who is grabbing out of that fridge. I'm curious. I don't know what it was last year because I wasn't here. You can do that analysis on your own, but I'm curious if we're seeing a dip in the sales, because maybe people are grabbing from there rather than ordering what's on draft or something. Mr. Moller: Yeah, that actually has been brought up before and I had a couple of conversations with some of the staff about that. Ms. Yelvington: It's a hard thing to track. Mr. Moller: It is. It's supposed to be locked during karaoke and things like that. That came as an effect of lack of storage and room for anything. Ms. Yelvington: Oh, okay. Mr. Moller: And I'm kind of hoping by having this storage area, we can free up some room in the back of the kitchen area, so that we can basically put the beer back where it belongs. But, yeah, during the day, as golfers come in, they can grab a couple beers, go to the counter, pay for it and then leave, but during the karaoke nights and some of the other nights, if that's fridge is 14 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD open, I think some of the girls found it easier to just have them go grab something and put it on their tap, which I've told them that is not a good practice to start getting into. Ms. Yelvington: Right. I think when they come through and clear the table, you know, they typically look for the empty cans to know what to put on your tab, but if somebody else has come through and cleared the table... Mr. Moller: But that's really not a good way to... Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr.Showe:AndI'llnote, ifyougotothe secondtolastpage ofthefinancials... Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Showe: There is actually a comparison to last year. Ms. Yelvington: Is there? Mr. Showe: So, beer sales last year were $67,000 through February and they are $55,000 this year. So, they are down $12,000. Ms. Yelvington: I guess a better part of the analysis might be, because that fridge is relatively new, I'm curious if we've seen a dip in the beer sales since we put that in. So, that's what I would kind of want to see what the financials were before that was there. Mr. Moller: Right. Ms. Yelvington: And compare it, you know. So, I guess if it wasn't there last year, we could use that as relative comparison. Mr. Moller: I got you. Mr. Macheras: Let me interject. So, a couple of thoughts come to mind, and this might sound stupid, but that's why I sit at the little kid's table. What if we even just had a bell or something that; you know, like you put on a door, so at least when people open up the fridge. I'm guessing you've seen it. I've seen it. I get it where you don't want to hold up the customer and I don't know if there's such a thing as a touch thing, where you put a lock on there where the girls can do it quick. Can we have just a bell or just something, to go off every time it opens up? Then we can take inventory of the bottles. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Macheras: I'm going to go out and guess not $19,000 worth of beer is being taken out of there, but If I'm sitting there and I see somebody else take one, then I might wonder. I just wonder if it's something simple that it may sound when somebody goes into a store, something 15 March 28, 2024 Viera East COD simple like that or we take an inventory. Again, I don't think it's thousands of dollars, but at the end of the day, even if it's just one bottle, is there something simple that we can do while we're building the storage unit that might take a few months? I don't know. I'm just saying, and as silly as it sounds, maybe we can just have something like a bell that dings and the three of us are standing here going, "Well, ifit's not you or me," I don't know. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah, it's a tricky thing to manage, for sure. I mean, I think it's a nice thing to offer for the busy times, because that way people can just help themselves and they're not waiting for a server to come by, but we have to be able to manage it somehow so we're not losing money. Mr. Moller: Yeah, but I don't really particularly care for customers self-serving like that. I mean, it's one thing for a golfer to come in, pass a cooler, grab it, go to the counter and pay for it, like you do at package stores like that. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Moller: But during restaurant seating hours, it should be table service. That's kind of what we're offering. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Moller: It's not grab and go. Ms. DeVries: My father had a vending business, so I have this picture in my head, like, well, what if it was a vending machine? But I don't even know if there is such a thing as a beer vending machine. Ms. Yelvington: That would be very cool, having a beer vending machine. That would be a pretty cool thing to have. Mr. Moller: But going off of your idea, I do know that they have little electronic chimes that I can probably find on Amazon, to sound just as ifthe door opens. Mr. Macheras: It sounds silly. Ms. DeVries: Can we put a scanner on it, so when you open it, you have to scan your beer, like at the grocery store? Mr. Macheras: I mean, that's probably a good idea. And if I open it and I'm not supposed to, if I hear bell, I think everybody's looking at me. Ms. DeVries: Right. Mr. Macheras: It might deter it, but something simple like that I don't know. 16 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. Yelvington: Yeah , I don't see it as a malicious thing. I just see it as, when it's busy, that's a hard thing to keep track of. Mr. Moller: Right. Ms. Yelvington: And J feel like people might be, you know, grabbing something out of the cooler and it's getting cleared offthe table without ever being captured. Mr. Macheras: It still could get lost. Ms. DeVries: It 's easy to get lost. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Macheras: Good point. Mr. Moller: Yeah, but I'm pretty sure I can find those little door opening chimes for fairly inexpensive on Amazon. Ms. Yelvington: I mean, honestly, for the people that work there and hear it all the time, you probably start to tune that out. I would if I was hearing that ding ding through my entire work shift. It should be audible to the customer that's taking it. Mr. Macheras: Right. Ms. Yelvington: I think that's my primary concern. The Marketing Budget Plan, are we talking about that separately? Because I have questions about that, too. Mr. Showe: I mean , we can, but that's probably more of Michelle's expertise. It may be best to save that for the workshop or see if you want to set up a meeting with her when she gets back. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. So, we're not having to approve this at this meeting. Right? Mr. Showe: No, and I don't think it actually needs approval. I think she was just presenting it to you. I think those kinds of funds have already been allocated in the budget. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr.Showe: So,Ithinkit'smore ofjustthatwaskindofherplanfortherest oftheyear. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: But I think it's certainly worth a conversation and we can either save that for the workshop or meet with her when she gets back. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: I think those are tough questions for Jim and I to answer. Mr. Moller: Yeah. 17 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDO Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Moller: Are there any other questions? Ms. DeVries: None from me. Mr. Rysztogi: No. B. District Manager's Report There being no comments, the next item followed. C. Lifestyle/Marketing Report D. Restaurant Report Ms. DeVries: There is no Lifestyle Marketing Report today. Jim already did the Restaurant Report Mr. Moller: Yes. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Treasurer's Report A. Approval of Check Register B. Balance Sheet and Income Statements Ms. DeVries : Next is the Treasurer's Report. Mr. Showe: So, under your Check Register, we've got your General Fund Checks #4966 through #4998 and Golf Course Checks #31446 through #31524 for $180,791.77. Staff can answer any questions that the Board would have on those invoices or we can take a motion to approve. Ms. DeVries: I have questions. There was an ECOR check for just under $10,000. Is that the normal amount? It was $9,000. Is that their normal amount? Ms. Yelvington: I was curious about that too. How frequently are we paying that? Is that annual or monthly? Ms.DeVries:Whatworkdidtheydofor thatamount? Mr. Moller: That's the lake treatments. I don't know ifit's monthly or quarterly. Mr. Showe: I'll pull up their contract. Mr. Moller: I think it's monthly. Mr. Showe: I've got their contract. Ms. DeVries : It's monthly. We pay them $9,000 a month? Mr. Moller: There are 85 lakes. 18 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Okay. Yeah, I got it. Just, you know, I look at the bigger ones. Mr. Moller: It was a standout. Ms. DeVries: It was a standout. Yeah. So, they're working on the lakes. Jason, you can look that one up. My next one is, it looks like the credit card charges for Regions as well as a bunch of Cisco charges, are on the ledger twice, around Pages 81 to 82. But it looks like they got reversed or zeroed out. Do we know what happened there? There are duplicate charges for both Regions and Cisco. Mr. Moller: Regions is the credit card. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Moller: Cisco is for the food and paper products. All of our paper towels and hand soaps and things like that are all through Cisco. I'll have to look at that. Do you know what the charge was? Ms. DeVries: I'd have to look, but on Pages 81 to 82, I saw the charges twice. But one of them was zeroed out. I don't know what happened there, but one of them was zeroed out, and then there were duplicate charges and they weren't zeroed out. Mr. Showe: Yes, just to answer the question, on a monthly basis, it's definitely that amount on a monthly basis. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Showe: $4,517 a month, is just for the aquatic weed treatment on 39 sites. There are another 31 sites on a monthly basis, where they provide natural area management and aquatic weed control, which is $4,370. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Showe: Then there are some charges that are quarterly. The header canal is quarterly. The Bay Hill canal is six times a year, which is $420. Then they also monthly do aquatic weed control for Wingate and Auburn Lakes. Then six times a year, they do Grand Isle. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Thank you for checking that. Mr. Showe: Absolutely. Ms. DeVries: Why did we pay a tax penalty on Page 84? Ms. Yelvington: That was my question, too. We must have filed a sales tax return late. Mr. Moller: I don't know. I asked about that, too. Actually, those are handled by GMS. 19 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: So, whoever is doing the tax prep, should be making sure that we don't get those. Ms. Yelvington: Right. Mr. Showe: I'll find out what that is. We'll take care ofthat. Mr. Moller: That one said there were two of them. Ms. DeVries: Really. I saw one. Did you see two? Ms. Yelvington: I only saw one. But my question was, how often does that happen? Because occasionally with the State, you have to submit by 5:00 p.m. on a certain day before the deadline and sometimes you miss that by just a few hours and you get dinged with a penalty. So, that's totally reasonable if it happens once. Right? Every once in a while. But if it's something that's regularly occurring, we need to get on the person that's responsible. Mr. Showe: I agree. Ms. DeVries: My last question is on Pages 86 and 88. There were two sets of charges for about $671 for golf cart repair. So, we have, like, brand spanking new golf carts. Right? So why did we have to pay to repair new golf carts? Mr. Moller: If it's what I'm thinking of it was the cart that was rolled over. Our insurance company is going after the driver of the cart for reimbursement. Ms. DeVries: Okay. But there were two sets of charges on the same date, that were in the Check Register. They were actually slightly different amounts. They're about $671, but they're slightly different. Mr. Moller: ] did not see those invoices. Ms. DeVries: Okay, well, you need to or I guess somebody should have. Mr. Macheras: There were two that needed repairs. Was that the other one? Mr. Moller: Well, the other one's too recent for that one. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Mr. Moller: Because we had a car and a cart collision. Ms. DeVries: Yeah. I heard about the rollover one. I'm glad they're going after the cart driver. Okay, that's all I had. So, I would hold offon approving those, not the EeOR one, but the ones for the tax penalty and then the two golf cart repairs. It looks like we should only be paying one. Mr. Moller: What page was that on? 20 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Pages 86 and 88 of our packet. Mr. Macheras: One was $670. They are different, though, so I don't know. Mr. Showe: Yeah, they are different amounts. Mr. Macheras: They may have been the same ones, but they just might have come and fixed two at the same time, whatever those two were. Ms. Yelvington: The invoice dates on Page 86, goes way back. Ms. Devries: Oh. Ms. Yelvington: Are those contract dates we're looking at or invoice dates? Mr. Showe: They're typically invoice dates. Ms. Yelvington: So, we paid in March, and there's a charge on here that dated back to May of2023. That's strange. Mr. Showe: I will tell you, there are times when vendors just delay sending those invoices. We date them the day of the invoice, so if they're late, then... Ms. DeVries: That is one of the things that's on the checklist, because it's suspicious when you get invoices from that long ago. You go, "What the heck? What happened here? Wh~.?" Ms. Yelvington: The invoice dates are the same in both ofthese transactions. You're right about that. Mr. Showe: Yeah. We'll have to check on those. Ms. Yelvington: They are slightly different, but they date back to the same dates. Ms. DeVries: So, I would hold payment on those two until we can figure those out. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: As well as the tax penalty. What else did we have on Check Register? Mr. Macheras: Let me ask you a question, not knowing this. So, the tax penalty one, who is that due to? Ms. Yelvington: The Florida Department ofRevenue. Mr. Macheras: So, is that something we're saying we're holding a check to pay? Ms. DeVries: Yeah, I guess you're right. We don't want to not pay the State. Mr. Showe: I think it's already been paid. We'll get some clarification on what it is. I think sometimes there are things in the restaurant that maybe should have been taxed and 21 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD weren't. It looks like it's from December. So, there may have been an end of the year true up or something. We'll get you the information on that. Ms. Yelvington: It happens. Mr. Showe: All of these have already been paid. We'll just have to get some clarification on those ones. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Showe: All of our vendors are good. If something got paid, we'll get a credit. We'll take care of it. Ms. DeVries: Right. Ms. Yelvington: I have a question about the golf carts. Are they gas? Mr. Moller: Electric. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Ms. DeVries: Are there any other questions on the Check Register? Ms. Yelvington: No. Mr. Showe: We'll take a motion to approve. On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Ms. Yelvington with all in favor the Check Register for February 16, 2024 through March 20, 2024 in the amount of $133,896.47, subject to withholding payment on the Cisco and Florida Department of Revenue checks was approved. B. Balance Sheet and Income Statements Mr. Showe: Behind that, we have your Balance Sheet and Income Statement. They're pretty detailed, but you can ask any questions if you need to. I will note, we are 90% collected on our assessments through February. So, we're in good shape. We'll get the rest ofthose in shortly. Mr. Macheras: I think I asked this before and I forgot what your answer was. The 90% collected, so not everybody has it automatically come out oftheir taxes? Mr. Showe: No. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Mr. Showe: No. You guys have a good percentage of yours, that is business. Mr. Macheras: Okay. 22 March 28, 2024 Viera East eDD Mr. Showe: Some folks just don't do an escrow. They decide to pay it when they want to pay it. Some folks also do quarterly payments, especially the businesses. You'll see a lot of that. They can actually do a quarterly arrangement with the Tax Collector. So, they just pay it quarterly. Mr. Macheras: Okay. So, if! pay my taxes quarterly, then that's going to be... Mr. Showe: It comes in to us quarterly. It comes in at the same rate that is paid. Mr. Macheras: Gotcha. Okay, that makes sense. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor's Requests Mr. Macheras: I actually have nothing tonight. Ms. DeVries: Denise, do you have any Supervisor's Requests? Ms..Yelvington: I have a question. Ms. DeVries: Go for it. Ms. Yelvington: Just on the financials, what's the bonus program under grounds maintenance expenditures? Ms. DeVries: We voted on that when we did the budget. Basically, the employees are incentivized to meet or exceed our revenue targets and our profit. Actually, it's our profit targets, and if we do, then they get, like, a profit sharing. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. The only reason it really stuck out to me, is because it's not under the budgetedcolumn.It'sjust intheactualcolumn. Mr. Showe: So, we don't know what that's going to be when we do our budget. We also don't want to impact the budget with that assessment. Before we actually had it in each individual department and what we found is that actually negatively impacted it, because it's based on golf course profit. So, if we're charging the golf course for that bonus program, then we're actually reducing their future impact. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: So, we just moved it all to the General Fund, to kind of get it out of place. But that's not all attributable to that one fund. That's for the whole District. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Rysztogi: Do you have anything else? Ms. Yelvington: Me? No. Not at this time. 23 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Ms. DeVries: Okay. Ron, do you have anything? Mr. Macheras: I have no issues. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Awesome. I have one. It's kind ofjust a follow on to what we had, what we talked about last month with the sign. So, as I recall, we did not get permission to put the sign up. Did the church actually take their sign down? Do we know? Mr. Moller: I don't know the story behind that, but it's not there anymore. Ms. DeVries: Interesting. Okay. I was going to check, and I didn't get a chance to do that. Every time I drive by, I forget to check. Mr. Moller: But, and I don't know if it's just because of its close proximity to Wickham Road, but basically the sign is on Murrell Road. The community credit union, a couple hundred feet down from the park, has a LED digital sign. Ms. DeVries: Okay. To be continued. Did we actually check if the sign is gone from the church? Mr. Moller: When I met with the sign guy, I'm like, "Yeah, there's not there anymore. "I was about to say there's a sign across the street at the church and there was no sign. Ms. DeVries: Interesting. Okay. That's all I had, other than that. I asked mine already. Do we have any comments from the public? Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Those ofyou who are new, I have been on a quest to put a fountain in the lake by Fawn Ridge. It's right after Spyglass. So, when you're coming up Murrell Road, that big, nice, beautiful lake should be a great greeting for us in welcome to Viera, Melbourne CDD or whatever. We were searching and searching and searching and I was willing to put the electric at my house, but I was too far up in the little culde- sac in the little town there. So, I went around to my neighbor and he is almost as straight as the crow flies, to the middle of the lake. So, I got the phone numbers and I gave them over to our manager over there, and I got Randy and he said, "I'd really like to find out more about what's going on." So, I still have my fingers crossed. Mr. Moller: We've been playing phone tag. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Yeah. I'm like the middle guy and waiting and waiting, waiting. So, Easter's coming, but hopefully so is Christmas and Thanksgiving. I don't want the geese to get fat. I'm hoping to get the good news in before then. So, there is a 24 March 28, 2024 Viera East CnD possibility that we will have a beautiful fountain. What did we say? We're going to have a better fountain than the Bellagio. Mr. Showe: I don't recall that promise. Ms. DeVries: Yeah, that is a tall order. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): I would love if it cost a little more to be able to get a remote that we can use to change the colors, so as the seasons come down the pike, we can generate the festive colors on the fountain. So, I'm hoping. Mr. Moller: Yeah, I mean, now that we have the contact for the electrical connection, I think basically now we just need to figure out where we're going to fund this project. So, I'll reach out to a couple of fountain companies and get some quotes and then pass it on to the Board at the next meeting. We can see how much it costs and if we need to split the cost between the CDD Board and the HOA or however we want to do it. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): The other thing is Crane Creek Plaza, that is off of Murrell Road and Crane Creek Boulevard, dug up the Crape Myrtles that were in the island. They have Derek there and they are putting in sewer lines and everything. I don't know who that belongs to, whether it's CDn or whether it's Brevard County, but who's going to put the beautiful flowers in there after they get done? Mr. Macheras: I think it's the county. Ms. DeVries: It is not the CDn. We can tell you that. Mr. Macheras: We talked about it at the Viera East Community Association (VECA) meeting, and unfortunately, and I think that I can speak for both Boards, none of us like to say, "Hey, it's not our problem. " But just like what you're dealing with, with the sidewalks, VECA's had to deal with the same thing. It's tough when you have another entity that puts you in the middle, but I'm pretty sure at both meetings that I have attended recently, I think it belongs in the county. And we can only hope that they, like you say, spruce it back up to make it look nice, once they're finished. Mr. Moller: Yeah, we just actually just ran into that. If you're exiting the Winn Dixie parking lot on the Viera Boulevard exit, which is the west one, there was a huge pothole on the apron. I guess if you go to the county appraisers, it says it's ours, but it's really not. So actually, Brevard County just fixed it the other day, the road and bridge. Mr. Macheras: That's a tough thing. We have four or five different entities. 25 March 28, 2024 Viera East COD Mr. Moller: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: When I moved in, it was like that. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): All because of the construction of this fivesuite building that they're putting up. God only knows when it's going to get done. The encroachment of the wetlands is now coming further and further onto HOA property and COD property. We're getting push back, because now the encroachment is in the wetlands and who's cutting that? You guys heard from the lady who had made herself responsible in our HOA to do landscaping. It's going to be a bone of contention, because we can't find the signs. So how far back do the landscaping people have to go to find that sign? Mr. Moller: What I found is, it varies from development to development. You know, some basically have their property lines right off their back porch. Some go out a little bit farther. I do know with the Ecologists and whatnot, they really don't want us going in there and beautifying wetlands, just because they're in people's backyards, unfortunately. Florida, I guess, has a Tree and Fence Law. Let's say you're the homeowner that backs up against a wetland, you are allowed to basically create a vertical line at your property line and trim up at your cost. But our Ecologists do not want us going in there, especially with live specimens, trimming and pruning for unnecessary reasons, other than inconvenience. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): But we have the right, either as the HOA, if it's ours, or the COD, to go back to that Mom? Mr. Moller: Right, the homeowner. Yeah. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): But we're not talking homeowners right now. Ms. DeVries: We're talking about the HOA and COD. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): How far back do you all go from cutting? Mr. Macheras: Like, where? I'm lost. Mr. Moller: The property line. I think she's talking about the homeowner's property line and the wetland. Mr. Macheras: Well, you're saying COD, but you said property line of a homeowner. So, I understand that part, but what is the other part? Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): We're talking about when you come in. Our entrance is off of Murrell Road. Mr. Macheras: Right, from around the church. 26 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Right. So now we've got this construction going on. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): And they have gone behind what is hanging, to put their sewer lines in, but then how far do we and the CDD have to go back, because there's a triangular piece, which Jason and I looked at, or who does that? Is it the CDD's and we go in front of there? We're just trying to clean it up. The more we get a handle on cleaning it up, the more we lose coming over. It's just like, okay, if it's coming over and it's hanging on my property, I'll just take the cutter, and just make it straight. But I don't know if it's the HOA's or if it's the CDD that has to go that far away back. So, that that's going to be an issue based on what we're seeing. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): I know the lady, Mary, was at your meeting the other night. Mr. Macheras: Right. Is this all based on that new property being built? Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Yeah. Mr. Macheras: Because when you pull a permit, I would think that wetland stuff is something that would be addressed in a survey. Do you know what I'm saying? Mr. Moller: They should not be in there at all. Mr. Showe: They shouldn't be on our property. Mr. Macheras: Yes. Right. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Macheras: Unless they're hooking up to something. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): They're hooking up a sewer line now, and it's going all the way past where they originally put everything in. So, the sewer line is going back further and behind the hanging over stuff. So, nobody knows, and it's going to encroach on somebody else's property. Mr. Moller: Yeah. The only thing I can think of, is maybe in that area that the wetlands have encroached onto their property and they just clean back to the property line, and that's where they're putting it. Mr. Showe: Maybe it's worth just having somebody take a look at it. 27 March 28, 2024 Viera East CDD Mr. Moller: I'll go out there with Ed tomorrow. Mr. Macheras: I would be curious. I mean, if they're hooking up to something that's on our property. Mr. Showe: Well, they can't access our property. They've got no permission to put anything on our property. Mr. Showe: We just need to get some eyes on it and see what's going on. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): So, just take a walk. Take a ride down there and look around. Mr. Rysztogi: Yeah, I'm going to go down and take a look at exactly what you're talking about. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Yeah. Then there's no entry into that property off of Murrell Road . The entry that's going to be into that piece of property, is on the other side of where you go into the church. Then the island in the middle, is where they've taken everything down. So now when they come out and they go to go home, they're going to have to take... Mr. Rysztogi: I'll go down there tomorrow or Friday and take a look at it. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): You'd be surprised to see, what in God's name is going on down here. Really. They kind of, like, stopped for almost two weeks and didn't do anything and then all of a sudden, you see green lines. Mr. Rysztogi: Do you know the type of businesses that are going in? Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Yeah. One of them is a real estate office, and the sign is on what the company is and the other four suites, we don't know. Mr. Rysztogi: Oh, okay. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): I appreciate taking your time. Sorry, but it all came up and it was like, everybody's quiet, nobody's doing anything and all of a sudden it was like, wait a minute. Mr. Rysztogi: Well, I always think that there should be a Fawn Ridge sign from the road anyway, because no one knows where Fawn Ridge is at. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Exactly. Now that nice quietness of the neighborhood, if I'm coming out of Crane Creek Plaza, and I'm coming out now, if] make a left, they're going to go right smack into Fawn Ridge with no exit. So, now we have to apply to 28 March 28, 2024 Viera EastCDD Brevard County to put signs saying, "No Outlet. " Because then people are going to say, "Oh, I didn't know this was here. Let me drive around" Then we're going to have more people that never knew we were there saying, "Wow, this is really nice. " Mr. Macheras: We had a situation in Bennington where we had the same thing. People would tum or go straight thinking there was an exit. Anyway, I called them up, and they came out and put up signs. I don't remember who I called, but they reacted pretty quickly. Because people would go through a stop sign to go straight, and it's a dead end. You got kids down there. You have turtles that don't drive fast, so it might be worth making a call. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): And the first thing they do when they tum left, is there is a little playground there at that curb, so, you know, we don't need that. Mr. Macheras: Right. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Thank you for your time. I wish you all a blessed holiday, whether it's Passover or Easter. But I'm looking forward to the Florida weather. As I said, years ago, I traded my snow shovel in New Jersey for a sand shovel down here. Mr. Macheras: That's right. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): So, the Jersey girl in me is still, you know, you canmove thegirl out ofNewJersey,butyoucannevertakethe NewJerseyout ofthe girl. Mr. Macheras: Alright, good. Resident (Mary Ann Ferrara, Fawn Ridge): Thank you. Mr. Moller: We got upper 70s temperatures this weekend. So, enjoy. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Ms. DeVries with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 8:01 p.m. ChairmanNice Chairman 29