MINUTES OF MEETING VIERA EAST COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT The regular meeting of the Board of Supervisors of the Viera East Community Development District was held on Thursday, January 23, 2025 at 6:30 p.m. at Faith Lutheran Church, 5550 Faith Drive, Viera, Florida. Present and constituting a quorum were: Jennifer DeVries Chair Rob Dale Vice Chair Bill Macheras Treasurer Ron Rysztogi Assistant Secretary Denise Yelvington Assistant Secretary Also present were: Jason Showe District Manager Jeremy LeBrun GMS Jim Moller Golf Maintenance Superintendent Michelle Webb Lifestyle/Marketing Director FIRST ORDER OF BUSINESS Roll Call Mr. Showe called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. All Supervisors were present. SECOND ORDER OF BUSINESS Pledge of Allegiance The Pledge of Allegiance was recited. THIRD ORDER OF BUSINESS Public Comment Period Mr. Showe: We will let the record reflect that no members of the public are present. There are just members of the Board and staff. FOURTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Approval of Minutes of the December 19, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting Mr. Showe: We have approval of the minutes of the December 19, 2024 meeting, which were included with your agenda package. We received comments from several Board Members, which will be incorporated in the final version. So, if you have any other questions or comments, we can take those or have a motion to approve, as amended, with all of those changes. Ms. DeVries: One of my questions was a lot of the discussion last time referred to Michelle's reports and are we posting those along with the minutes? Mr. Showe: Oh, we haven't been, but we certainly can. We can get those and post them. Ms. DeVries: The minutes don't make sense without them. Mr. Showe: Yeah, we could do that. Ms. DeVries: That's it. On MOTION by Mr. Dale seconded by Mr. Macheras with all in favor the Minutes of the December 19, 2024 Board of Supervisors Meeting were approved as amended. FIFTH ORDER OF BUSINESS New Business Mr. Showe: We have no new business. SIXTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Old Business A. Action Items List Mr. Showe: Under old business we have the Action Items list. We still have not heard back from the Viera East Golf District Association and I think that Jim and Michelle are still working on the park improvements. Ms. DeVries: They had an HOA virtual meeting that I attended. Mr. Showe: Okay. Ms. DeVries: They asked me what the status was and I said, “Well, we sent you a proposal” and the Board Members said, “What?” Then the Association Management Company said, “Yes, we have that proposal and we'll distribute it to you.” So that's where it was, last I heard. Mr. Showe: It's on their plate as far as I'm concerned. Ms. DeVries: Yes. SEVENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Staff Reports A. General Manager’s Report Mr. Showe: We can have Jim go through the General Manager’s Report. Mr. Moller: Alright. We'll start with CDD. The fountains were installed. I just need a tutorial on the light, because when I tried to turn lights on, I couldn't figure out how to do it. So, I just need to get with the fountain guy, but that's looking good. All of the pieces of the bench, except for the two engraved boards, are in. I guess their engraver was a little backed up. So, as soon as they're in, we'll replace that bench. Actually, we received another complaint about that bench, too, about it being so low to the ground, that people get on it and can't get out of it. Ms. DeVries: The old bench? Mr. Moller: Yeah. Mr. Dale: And you have to tell them, that a new one was coming. Mr. Moller: Yes. The fire line started this Tuesday, even with of all these rains. Obviously, the rain slowed us down but it hasn't affected anything. They're still able to get the areas that they want. So, they're working on Wingate, basically a lot of the West side of the scrub habitat, right now. Wingate Estates, Auburn Lakes and Herons Landing, are what they're doing right now. Mr. Dale: Yeah. For the record, that just got posted on Facebook. Mr. Moller: Okay. Mr. Dale: Michelle, received your email. Mr. Moller: Yeah. I received a phone call from lady today, asking what they were doing. I said that we started our annual fire line and she said, “Oh, great, thanks.” Mr. Dale: Please pass on to Ed, a thank you for adjusting his schedule and focusing on the scrub jay habitat communities first, so we don’t run into a repeat of last year. Mr. Moller: Lake bank restorations, they just finished up Lake #41 in Bayhill. They just have some little repairs here and there to finish up, but as far as the lake bank, that's done. They’re moving to Lake #3, which is on the east side of Brightwood. We were slated to trim the Oaks at Woodside park this week, but due to the winds, we postponed that. The landscapers will let us know. I received an email that our plaque for The Viera Triangle, should be arriving any day now. We have some better weather coming next week. So, I'll get out there with Wes and get the rock set. We'll get the couple landscape plants and then we'll get the plaque in there for The Viera Triangle. It's going to be just as you come off a four green before you get to the fifth tees. It's basically just saying how tough of a stretch Holes 5, 6 and 7 are. Regarding the financials, in December the overall operations finished a positive $35,724. Golf finished at plus $38,744. There was a food and beverage loss of $3,020. Last December, overall operations finished at $19,600. So, we're $16,000 better than last December for overall operations. Last year, golf was at $21,700 and food and beverage lost $2,098. We’re starting to get a better handle on the cost of goods. It's been just ongoing labor and numerous conversations with the staff. I haven't seen that many adjustments. We've had some serious conversations this week about reducing staff and things like that. So, we’re going to have another meeting tomorrow with the two and get some timelines and then if things don’t change, things will change. Ms. DeVries: What is the deadline for getting all of the data? Mr. Moller: March 15th. Ms. DeVries: Okay. The elephant in the room, is looking at the financials and the two big standouts, are the cost of food and labor. Mr. Moller: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: I'm glad that you have things under control. Mr. Moller: I hate to always bring the excuse; that's a golf course restaurant. I mean it is, but it's to see the potential. We just can't fix the little things. Ms. DeVries: I think you're going to fix the little things. Mr. Dale: Would you say that it's more a front of the house or back of the house issue? Mr. Moller: Back of the house. Ms. DeVries: At this point. Mr. Dale: I've been looking at financials. The cost of goods sold, seemed to be reasonable on the front of the house side. Same thing with labor. With servers, you're paying them essentially the server minimum wage and where they’re making money, is with tips. Mr. Moller: Yeah. There have been numerous times where there's been three or four people that are scheduled back of the house, which did not constitute having that many servers. That needs to be addressed. I had them print some schedules. If you looked at last Summer, we were averaging $24,000 to $25,000, in our salary line item. In October we jumped to $30,000 to $31,000. Something changed in scheduling and I can't get a reason why. Mr. Macheras: I have a couple quick questions. One would be, how often and who does the schedule? Mr. Moller: The front of the house is done by Jen and the back of the house is done by Jamie. Mr. Macheras: Weekly? Mr. Moller: Jen does her two-week schedule and Jamie does a weekly schedule. Mr. Macheras: Okay. I printed the last page of the packet and just looking at some numbers for the restaurant, I know that this is old information, but back in March, the expenses were $142,000. Does anybody remember what that was for? Did we do something that was a whole bunch of write-offs? Mr. Dale: There was $55,000 of inventory losses, that we had to incorporate, based on the January inventory that Jim did. Mr. Macheras: Okay. I figured it had to be something. Mr. Dale: Just FYI, for the minutes, there is a statement on the financials on the CDD website, that addresses that very issue. Mr. Macheras: Yeah. I forgot that something was that month and I couldn't remember what it was. Mr. Dale: Right. In case anybody's wondering what the cause of the $55,000 loss was and based on past discussions, it seems to be that was largely from the previous two years. It was combination of multiple things, which were losses, inventory losses, breakage, a number of things. Mr. Macheras: Right. Ms. Yelvington: It’s basically a one-time correction. Mr. Macheras: So, the other question I had, I know we've talked about this before and again, I’m just putting on my retail hat, because anybody that works retail or restaurant has that expectation. So, we've changed our hours. I think our two busiest nights are Friday and Saturday and my expectation is that we have management on duty those two nights. We have two managers and we also have Maddie, especially when we're going through some pains. My expectation is one works on Friday night and one works on Saturday night and then, if they want to rotate it the next week, I'm okay with that. I was there on Saturday. Maddie did a great job. Maybe Sunday is her day, if we have the confidence that she can do it. But my expectation is, especially as I'm looking through last year, up through September, five months we made money, seven months we lost and now, we're still losing. We need to have our heavy hitters there on the two busiest nights, in my opinion. One needs to be there on Friday and one on Saturday, at a minimum. Then on Sunday again, if we have confidence in Maddie, we should have her there, as she did a great job, as long as you're okay. My wife even commented Saturday when we were there, how great she was. I would be okay with that. But I just have to think, if this was my business or even if it didn't have my name on the front, but I was in charge, I would be working one of those nights. That's just my expectation. I appreciate the comments that you made. Yeah, we need to kind of take it seriously, because we also answer to others. That's just something I'm throwing out there, that on our two busiest nights, we have at least one close. So, I’m just throwing that out there. Mr. Dale: I will say that this does kind of tie into going back to the workshop that we just had with the restaurant and staff utilization, by having our two primaries staffing the restaurant at 9:00 a.m. This is part of the reason why no other course opens before 11:00 a.m.. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Dale: We can have somebody there for beverages and everything, but I do think that is one of the issues. I get that Jen and Jamie want to be there, do managerial stuff and everything, but what winds up happening, which was the situation we had with the former restaurant manager, where he didn't work weekends, we were closed on Monday and his band was playing on Friday nights. That's when we were having exactly some of the same issues, where we didn't have somebody there to say, “You leave as things are slower.” Mr. Macheras: Listen, I'm going to tell you in 20 years of retail, most of that being in management, I live for working the weekends and all that stuff, but I just understood that coming in, was just an expectation. Again, it's not certainly meant as a penalty. I would just think, as an expectation of somebody in the service industry, that's kind of… Ms. DeVries: It's just what the business is. Mr. Macheras: It is. Somebody taught me years ago, if you treat it as if it was your name out front, you'd be doing that. If my monetary benefit depended on not just getting a check from a company and depended on my sales, you're darn right, I would probably be there every night. Again, I think we have progressed and I get with the ordering and the stuff like that. We talked about that at the workshop, but my guess is, if we looked at the transactions per hour, there's probably sometime in midday, that we can do that stuff. Do you know what I'm saying, if I don't come in at 9:00 a.m. and get it done by 11:00 a.m. and I'm slammed until 6:00 p.m., I'm thinking there's still some time, especially once as organized, as we're getting acclimated with the new systems that we have in place and the freezers and the roll down door, it should be a lot easier to do it. I don't know the specifics, whether it has to be all done in one day or you do canned goods one day. Again, I'm not a restaurant guy, but I would just imagine that there's time in the middle of the day, to also do some of those things that were tasked for them to do. But I agree with the statement earlier, that again, nobody wants to make those hard decisions, but we're accountable to others too. Mr. Dale: Right. Mr. Macheras: It may not be as much cutting as just rearranging, to do that. Then hopefully when we have our management staff during those busier times, we might have more sales, because they're out there. I'm not knocking the people that are there working those hours, but you might see more productivity. I’m just throwing it out there as a normal human nature. I just think that's something that probably needs to happen in my opinion. Mr. Dale: I happened to have a talk this week with Jason and Jim and one of the things that I noticed in the financials, is we had that last page that previous Boards are using as a cheat sheet and over the past six to 12 months, we have had a problem marrying that up with the actual financials in the report. Jason with Jim made the call that for this month, we were going to get rid of that last page mainly, because it was just a cheat sheet for Board Members and did not accurately reflect what was going on in the rest of the financials. It sometimes didn't get updated, but that was the most important part. The follow up discussion that we wound up having, that Jim brought into the equation, was a discussion that we've had, that the operations are one and you know, we've been putting everything out as a golf course and restaurant and all of that kind of stuff, when in actuality, this Board has voted numerous times and said numerous times, it's all a reflection of the other. Mr. Showe: Truly the reason we separated that originally, before it was always part of the golf course. We did separate that out when it was under the restaurant vendor, because there were specific clauses in his contract, that reflected bonuses based on the profit and loss of the restaurant. I think it makes a lot of sense to put it back and not separate it out, specifically the way it is now. But it's really a Board decision. If you're comfortable with that, we can certainly proceed and have it just as golf operations and it's a part of that. Ms. DeVries: I see this as the last piece. We've done a lot over four plus years, to turn this entire entity around. To me, this is the last piece and if I don't have it separated out, then I don't know if it's turning around. It hasn't. We've tried a bunch of things over the years with the restaurant, to try to get it to work, to be more profitable. Revenues are up significantly. The traffic is up. The reviews are up. Everything is up, but we need to make some tweaks on the cost. Mr. Moller: I wholeheartedly agree. I meant just move the restaurant up into the financials, like golf course maintenance or golf operations. Ms. Yelvington: It will be its own line item. Mr. Showe: Yeah. It will still have its own section. Mr. Moller: We would have one net profit margin. We won’t have two. Ms. Yelvington: So, it's still broken out by line. It's just not on a separate report. Mr. Showe: It would still have its own revenue section. It would have all of that, but all of the golf course revenue would be in one section, which would include the restaurant, and we would have all of the expenses for the golf course. The restaurant would be its own segment. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: We wouldn't necessarily call it out. Right now, it's almost presented as if it were a separate fund. Mr. Dale: Right. As if it were a separate entity. Mr. Showe: That’s correct. Mr. Dale: When in actuality that's the entire profitability. Mr. Showe: The original reason we separated it, was because the old contract triggers for profit loss, was based on just the restaurant performance, which may or may not be something that the Board wants to continue. It was more of just kind of a thought, of whether we need this extra report. Mr. Dale: I think as long as there are separate line items, we are able to track it. Ms. DeVries: Will I be able to see the profit and loss? Mr. Dale: Yes, absolutely. Ms. DeVries: That’s what I want to know. I want the income statement for the restaurant. Mr. Dale: We'll be talking about it at every meeting. Mr. Showe: It will still be presented. It just won't be a separate report in the financials, but if you still want us to bring a copy or email you a separate one, we can do it however you want. Ms. Yelvington: Are you telling me that in the revenue section, I'm going to see the restaurant revenue section as a subsection of total revenue and then in expenses, I'm going to see a restaurant subsection and expenses, so, I can then take those two and figure out my profit and loss? Mr. Showe: Yes. Ms. Yelvington: That's fine. Mr. Moller: Yeah, you will still have a section for cost of goods. Mr. Showe: Again, if you go back in the financials several years, that's exactly how it was reported. Again, it was considered part of it. We really just broke it out, because of the old contract. Ms. DeVries: But in prior years, it was contracted as well. Mr. Showe: Well, in prior years, the contract was just based on essentially, a percentage of retail. So, that was just revenue and then there were minor expenses. We weren't tracking food costs. We weren't tracking anything like we were doing now. Ms. DeVries: Right. So, before I came on the Board, I was looking at these financials and thinking, “How in the world can we not be getting money from this restaurant, when the restaurant has no rent and no overhead expenses?” I've learned a lot since then, so I'm starting to see. Location is a big factor of this, but I think the other thing that makes up for the location, is that this restaurant doesn't have to pay rent or a mortgage. But it does generate all of the traffic coming from the golf course, as well as from the community. I know you think it's okay, but I want to see the restaurant separated out, until I'm confident that it's fixed. Like I've always said, I don't expect it to be super profitable. I expect to be breaking even, at least or a little better. Mr. Dale: But it still will be separated out. One of the things I'm going to be blunt about, that helps resolve the issue, is you have local social media sites that like to promote disinformation or half-truths. Ms. DeVries: I'm opposed to changing our procedures, because of what those people say. Mr. Dale: I understand, but what it does, is it gives the community a true picture of what's going on. There are a lot of people out there and I think you saw that, because Michelle was sharing that there was some Nextdoor threat or something like that. Ms. DeVries: I actually shared it with her. Mr. Dale: But my point is, it would bring the golf course into the discussion. There are people that are under the impression that we are not making money, that our tax money is going to the golf course and all of those kinds of things, all of which are complete untruths. Ms. DeVries: Because they're listening to the misinformation. Is it our job to change the way that we report our financials, because somebody is out there spreading misinformation? They're still going to spread misinformation regardless of how we report it. Mr. Dale: But what it does, is if they're going to do a snapshot of the financials, they're going to have to do a snapshot of everything together and that shows the profitability. Ms. DeVries: I see. Well, I don't know how others feel about it, but this is very helpful to me, to see the restaurant broken out. I'm opposed to not breaking it out, at least for now, but it's not my decision. I want others to weigh in. Mr. Moller: We're not a golf course and restaurant. We're the Viera East Golf Course. It's one entity. That's why when you see the financials, after this first quarter, we're plus $26,000. Last fiscal year, for the first quarter, we were at a loss of $86,000. The year before that, we were at $21,000. It was the entire operation, food and golf. Ms. DeVries: I worked in big corporations for the first 20 years of my career and all of the financials were done on a unified basis for the company. That was what was published in the books that went out to the shareholders and everything. But internally, we had departmental financials that we had to look at and that's the way I see how it's going to be. Mr. Moller: So, it's kind of like, if you scroll up where you see the revenue and you see golf operations, administrative and golf maintenance and then you have the restaurant expenses and restaurant revenue. Ms. Yelvington: You'd have to get your calculator out. Ms. DeVries: Yeah, I don't really want to get my calculator out and figure it out. I want the departmental financials, just like I would get in a corporation. Mr. Dale: Is there any way to expand beyond just expenses on what we're talking about here, Jason? Mr. Showe: Would you be okay if we just included that? I know there's a prior month, year comparison for just the restaurant, that's also included, which shows you the profit loss comparison of this month, total year and comparison to last year. Would that work for you? Ms. DeVries: I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Mr. Showe: In your financials, there's actually two sections that reflect the restaurant. Mr. Dale: It's the third page up from the bottom. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Moller: Page 146. Mr. Showe: So right now, the way your Balance Sheet works, there is a separate budget to actual sheet, which is in your agenda package on Page 83 of the financials. That's one page that shows the restaurant. Then if you go down, there is a month-by-month that shows the expenses that are separated, which is on Page 19 on the financials or on Page 89 overall. That shows month-by-month. Ms. DeVries: Okay, where is that? Mr. Showe: On Page 19 on the financials or on Page 89 on the full agenda. That shows month-by-month. Ms. DeVries: Month-by-month and this is just a restaurant. Mr. Showe: This is current. Ms. DeVries: We get rid of this and we are looking at that these two things. Mr. Showe: Or if you look at Page 24 on the financials or Page 94 on the full agenda, there's another restaurant. Ms. Yelvington: I like Page 24. Mr. Showe: That's kind of what I was saying. Ms. Yelvington: I think Page 24, sort of gets the job done. Ms. DeVries: But if we're trying to diagnose what's going on… Ms. Yelvington: Well, then we just have to drill down to the detail in that Profit and Loss Statement (P&L). Ms. DeVries: Right, to figure out where the problem is. Ms. Yelvington: We could do that. I think if that one sheet is causing a whole lot of confusion in the community, then I could see the argument of just eliminating that source of confusion. But I also see your point in wanting to have an easy way of looking at it, but I think we have the skill set on our Board to be able to drill down to this and know if we needed to diagnose. Ms. DeVries: Now I look at Page 24 and say, “Somebody could pick on this the same way they'd pick on the other one.” Ms. Yelvington: They could. Ms. DeVries: There are the same numbers and it has the same results. Ms. Yelvington: Right, but then they might not go through the painstaking trouble to pick on every single thing. Ms. DeVries: I see. Ms. Yelvington: This is a more summarized form, but all of the detail would be in the P&L, for us to be able to pick through the line-item detail and then drill down from there, if we needed to. Whereas the community is still getting all of this information. It's just in summary form. Mr. Dale: By looking at that, it does force you to do a little more. Ms. Yelvington: It takes more effort. Mr. Dale: It does take more effort and you do have to put it into perspective. It's like, “Okay, well if this says this, what does that say?” Ms. DeVries: Right. Mr. Dale: You have to look at the bigger picture. Ms. DeVries: Yeah. Mr. Moller: My issue with that page is, because I didn’t have Internet access, before I left work, I downloaded the agenda from the website. That page is wrong. It's showing a loss of over $8,000 this month. Mr. Dale: Right. Ms. Yelvington: For December or for January? Mr. Moller: December. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. This one that we're looking at now in the agenda, does show a loss, which is wrong. Mr. Moller: A $8,611 loss. Ms. Yelvington: What should it be? Mr. Moller: $3,000. Ms. Yelvington: So then, how is it different than what the other page shows? Like who's doing the reconciliation between the one page and the other page? GMS? Mr. Rysztogi: So, is it a mathematical error or are we still talking about two different systems? Mr. Moller: I think it's a data input error. Mr. Rysztogi: That's big. Ms. DeVries: If this report isn't right… Mr. Dale: This is part of the problem with having multiple pages, because they don't all get updated the right way. Ms. DeVries: I get that. Fewer pages would be good and if we could get the pages that are accurate. Mr. Dale: Right and that was kind of my blunt discussion with Jason and Jim last week. That's where this idea came from. Ms. Yelvington: Oh, I see. Mr. Dale: From that discussion. Ms. Yelvington: Okay, so the $8,611 is in the November column on this page. Then it's in the December column on that other page. Ms. DeVries: Ron, Bill, do you have anything to weigh in on how you want to look at this? Mr. Macheras: We can't have that. I'm just telling you. We can't keep having incorrect information. So, I'll leave it to the powers to be to figure that out. A couple things, really two positives. I just want to reiterate the schedule change. It's not a penalty or a consequence. It's just an expectation of running a restaurant and that's the point. That's why I say, one server works on Friday and one works on Saturday. If they plan it right, they can have every other weekend off. So again, it's still very pliable in the world of restaurant. Second, and I want to throw this out there, I'm a math guy and you guys are accountants and here I am adding everything up, forgetting that there's a total column. I could have just done that. Anyway, when you look at the totals on that last page that we're discussing, through September, we lost $53,346. Well on a positive note, if we take off that write-off, we broke even or made $2,000 and I would be okay with that. So again, as a positive note, I think the one thing that I look at, is not so much just numbers, but I don't like to see 7 out of 12 months in a negative. Even though again, when you look at it all, we still come out pretty good, because we had a couple really good positive months. So, I just want to throw that out there for the record. If we remove that write-off, we made $2,000 throughout the year, which I think most of us, would be happy with. So, we're assisting the golf course. The other thing, which I'll parlay to the accountants in the room, again I go back to the term Enron Accounting. We can make numbers say a lot of different things, but what about percentages? What percentage of sales do we expect to make as a profit? I'm not a restaurant guy, but when I was in retail, when looking at my P&L, if that percentage wasn't where it was supposed to be, I knew that I was either in trouble or going to get a pretty good bonus check. So, I almost think that's something we should consider at as we continue to progress, what do we expect to make out of our revenue? That's a number we need to aim for. Is labor 20% of our total cost? If we are trying to get 15%, is our cost of goods 30%? Are we trying to make 8% profit? I don't know. That's just something I'm throwing out to the people that know more about accounting than I do. That's maybe an area we need to look at, just as much as the numbers. Mr. Dale: But you've got the caveat in there, that we are not a true private sector entity. Where that comes into play, is the dog park does not make money for us; however, it is an amenity, a function of government. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Showe: I think that's a feature that a lot of our CDDs deal with, because a lot of our CDDs have Amenity Centers. It's there to serve the residents. It doesn't make a profit. It has a pool that costs money. Mr. Dale: In some ways, the restaurant has become our Amenity Center. Mr. Showe: I agree. I think in some degree you want to look at it as it as an amenity for the community. It's something that the community can use. There's inherent cost in that. There's a value to it, that doesn't always translate to revenue. I think if you compare the restaurant, even last year, you're not that far off of where you were last year in terms of profit. Mr. Dale: No, we're pretty much right on. Mr. Showe: Through December, you're $500 off of where you were last year, in terms of a loss. Mr. Dale: That's with adding an additional $10,000 to 12,000, because of the Department of Labor requirements to increase salaries. Mr. Showe: So again, it's not doom and gloom. I think you guys are doing very well comparatively. Mr. Dale: Right. Mr. Showe: We have to report our financials. I think if you went to some of the restaurants around town and asked for the same information, you might be surprised that they're probably in the same boat that we are. Mr. Dale: To put things into perspective, the discussion that I had with Jason and Jim, maybe a simpler way of putting it with the financials, is we're recommending going back to the way we did the financials four years ago. Mr. Showe: I think what I'm saying overall and maybe we make no changes the next month, but if you really want to look at these, you will see that there are a lot of redundancies in here. What we've done over the years, nothing in the Balance Sheet and Income Statement is required. These are informational documents from the Board. So, we will provide the original Balance Sheet to you, so you can see what's in the bank and what's owed. Then we typically present you with just the statements by fund. The rest of these are custom forms that we've done for different Boards throughout the years. Some of them may have outlived their usefulness to you guys as a Board. Mr. Dale: Right. Mr. Showe: We're certainly open to making changes to whatever is useful to you guys as a Board. Mr. Dale: I'd really prefer not to have to come back and have the same discussion a month from now and have to rehash everything. I kind of like to hammer this one out tonight one way or the other. Mr. Showe: Sure. Ms. DeVries: Looking at how do we want the financials, this seems like a workshop type of thing to me, sitting down at a workshop meeting and saying, “Do we want this report or not? How do we want to change this report?” Mr. Rysztogi: The pro shop, we don't keep consider that a separate entity from golf. The driving range, we don't consider that a separate entity from golf operations, but we do treat Hook & Eagle as a separate entity. Mr. Dale: Right. Mr. Rysztogi: So, we should treat the Hook & Eagle just like we do. Are we worried about whether the pro shop or the driving range are making enough money? We don't get upset if one of those aren't making the dollars we would like, but we do, because the restaurant's not doing the numbers we would like. So, I say treat the restaurant like we do golf operations. We need the pro shop to run golf. The restaurant is the same way. Treat it as if we treat the other operations. Mr. Dale: Jason, when we're doing that, you're able to break that down anyway, if a Board Member wants. Mr. Showe: Absolutely. Again, we can give you whatever information that anybody would like and present it in different ways. Mr. Dale: Right. You can have that long form under the subset. So, if there's something that people want on there, they just give you a call, say, “I would really like to have this.” Mr. Showe: Certainly, we do the month-by-month for every section anyway. So, that would still be there and you would still see the monthly expenses for the restaurant. You would see the monthly revenues for the restaurant. It may not be combined on one simple sheet, but all of that information is still there. It would just be presented in a different format. Mr. Showe: Right. Ms. DeVries: As long as I get it at a department level. At some point, if we're seeing numbers like we're seeing in the restaurant now, that usually means that we have to take a little bit deeper look, to figure out what is going wrong. I still think the restaurant shouldn't be a business where we're giving away more than we're making, I guess. I don't think any part of the golf course should be that way. If the pro shop is selling merchandise for less than we paid for it, we don't want to be doing that and we don't want to be making less revenue in the restaurant than what we pay for it. Mr. Macheras: The reason I brought up percentages, golf operations this year to last year, what did you say earlier the revenue was? Mr. Moller: We're at $45,000 for the first quarter and last year, we're at $9,500 for the first quarter. Mr. Macheras: Which is great news, but the missing part is, I don't know what the revenue was. If revenue last year was one-third of what it is this year, percentage-wise, we might have made less money. That's why I like to prevent percentages, because you could say, “I made $10,000 last year, but we made $20,000 this year and sales were twice as much.” So, percentage-wise, we did worse. That just helps me compare, like when we get our electric bill. It was higher, but this month was 33 days and last month was 29 days. Ms. DeVries: Right. We would look at what it was last year. Mr. Dale: We have those raw numbers in the report, though and then all you have to do is simple division. Mr. Macheras: That's why I was saying percentages, as it kind of gets you more applesto- apples. Mr. Dale: Right. Ms. DeVries: Using historical data and looking at some of these items as percentages of revenue, we know that we do less revenue, let's say, in August than we do in February. Mr. Macheras: Right. Ms. DeVries: So, if you're looking at what your labor should be, if it's always a certain percentage of your revenue, we might know how to staff it. I’m just throwing that out there. If labor is always X percentage of your revenue or should be around this percentage of revenue, can we give that as guidance? Mr. Moller: I'd like to have a goal around 40%. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Macheras: That's good, because like she said, revenue could be down. That doesn't mean we lose money those months. It’s just everything else has to do the same thing. Ms. DeVries: Exactly. Mr. Macheras: It might not be exact, unless we cut people, but like you said, we just have to be cognizant. Mr. Dale: Of the fact that this is a cyclical business. Mr. Macheras: Next month is a slow month and we talked about that. Again, it's not that I expect everything to go exactly the same. Ms. DeVries: Well, as we know, the finances don't go exactly the same, because of the way that we pay the bills. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Macheras: Let me change course really quick. We talked about this at the workshop. When the bills get posted, are we where we think we want to be, like when we pay our bills and it's supposed to be this month, we don't pay it until next month? We talked about that. You guys know more about that than me. Mr. Dale: Cash versus accrual basis. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah, I think there wasn't anything we could do about it. Right? Mr. Showe: Our reports are always going to be the month the invoice was paid. We're not necessarily concerned with when that food was sold. We track everything by the month. Again, I think on a 12-month basis, it's all going to wash out. It's just that month-to-month, might be off slightly. Mr. Macheras: Which I'm okay with. I don't know what you all think. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. I guess it's less than ideal, but we're also kind of stuck. Mr. Dale: It's what we have to work with. Ms. Yelvington: It's what we have to work with. Mr. Dale: Jason, I'm going to make a motion, but I'm going need your help crafting it, as this is your forte. Ms. DeVries: Are we ready to make a motion? Mr. Dale: Nobody might agree with me, but I'm making a motion. My motion is effectively to adapt our financials to, in essence, go back to what we were doing four years ago, where there was a breakdown of the restaurant, but the entire operation is viewed as one entity with the sub-components. With the caveat that if any particular Board member has a breakdown of something that they would like to see in the reporting, we can include that. Mr. Showe: So, the motion would be to adapt the financials to include the restaurant as part of golf operations, instead of a separate segment. Mr. Dale MOVED to include the restaurant as part of the golf operations in the financials. Ms. Yelvington: I would like to say one thing. I have a problem with having misrepresented data in these reports. So, I feel like it's a good idea to revisit this at a workshop and make sure that we have the proper reports. If we scale down the number of reports, there's less likely to be a reconciliation error between the pages. Mr. Showe: What's in your agendas is correct. There were some adjustments that were made. So, the initial set of financials got posted on the website. Jim and Alex made some adjustments. Mr. Dale: In the very last report. Mr. Showe: Instead of including the newer financials on the website, they just dropped the last page out and didn't update it, because I know we had some issues with the food and beverage cart, where some of the items weren't tracked properly. Mr. Dale: The last page was used as a cheat sheet. Ms. Yelvington: But aren't we looking at the same ones that are on that website? Mr. Showe: There is one on the website. Ms. Yelvington: Well, this one's wrong too though, because this one shows one number for November and on another page it shows another number in December. Tell me if I miss misreading something, but I saw that $8,611 number on Page 19 in the November column. Mr. Dale: Which Page 19? Ms. Yelvington: The financial Page 19 and Page 89 in our agenda package. $8,611 is in the November column. Mr. Macheras: Right. Ms. Yelvington: $3,020 is the number for December. Then if you go to Page 24 in the financials or Page 94 in our packet, $8,611 is in the December column. So, I don't know that this page is correct compared to Page 19. How could it be exactly the same? Mr. Showe: The one that I’m looking at has $3,020. Mr. Moller: The one on the website. Mr. Showe: They didn't update those. The one that was sent out in your email, let me work on it. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Showe: What's happening, is we're trying to publish them to get them out, but as Jim is reviewing them, we're making changes. We've got to straighten out that process and try to get them out earlier for Jim's review. Ms. Yelvington: Well, it seems like there is value in maybe shrinking down the number of reports that have to be generated, so this is less likely to occur. So, I'm in favor of putting everything back under one roof, but I would like to be able to go through these reports and figure out what we need and what we don't. So, that's my two cents. Ms. DeVries: I agree. Mr. Dale: Would I be able to amend my motion to still say that we are going to make an adaption to the financials and at the workshop we can add or subtract? Mr. Showe: Sure, absolutely. Mr. Dale: That way we are able to get going on this. You said it very succinctly. I couldn't quite put my finger on it. That's my big problem with all of this. We have so much going on. This is the busiest report with so many different pages and everything. Mr. Showe: There are lots of duplications. Just like your website. I'm trying to go through all of our websites and revisit it, because we're having the same issue with your website. Mr. Dale: Yes. Mr. Showe: There are multiple links with what should be the same attachment, with this one getting updated and that one is not. Mr. Dale: Yeah, there's just too much there. Mr. Showe: There is duplication of the same information. It just creates human error or opportunities. Ms. Yelvington: Right. Absolutely. Mr. Dale: That's my big problem with it. I get that it's 50 pages, but as long as there isn't redundancy in reports and I don't have to go from Page 19 or Page 89, like you just did, down to Page 94 and compare the two. Ms. DeVries: Why are they different? Mr. Showe: They shouldn’t be. You are 100% correct. Like I said, the one I have that was sent out in your email, because that's where I pulled mine from, is correct. There was an old version. Jim and Alex got together, made some adjustments and those clearly never made it. Mr. Dale: The intent is to pull it all under one house and make it easier to read. Mr. Showe: Agreed. Mr. Dale: That's the intent. Mr. Showe: Rob has made a motion to adapt the financials to include the restaurant with golf operations and a review of additional reporting items at the workshop. Mr. Dale MOVED to include the restaurant as part of the golf operations in the financials and review additional reporting items at the workshop and Ms. Yelvington seconded the motion. Mr. Macheras: Like I did today with the calculator, that I didn't have to do, point me to a page where I'm going to get this information. So, if I’m looking at the labor of the restaurant, is it going to be mixed up with all of the labor? Mr. Showe: No. Mr. Macheras: Just show me a page. Mr. Showe: Well, again, being that mine's slightly different than yours, I want to make sure that we're accurate. Mr. Dale: Page 89. Mr. Showe: Correct. It will look exactly like this. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Mr. Showe: Essentially what will happen, is for your golf operations, we will see how each segment has its own. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Showe: The restaurant will just be here. So, you'll see the same information that's in the restaurant, for golf. It will have a restaurant segment, which will be separated. Mr. Macheras: It will have a restaurant segment. Mr. Showe: Absolutely. It will have all of the same line items and all of the same revenue items. Mr. Macheras: In one of those big pages that I think we looked at earlier, there's also a last year column. Mr. Showe: Yes. Ms. DeVries: Jason, can we get a sample report for the workshop? Mr. Showe: I will attempt that. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Mr. Showe: What we may do, is have them re-edit this set of financials and make it the way you guys want to see it, mark it with DRAFT and let you review it that way. Ms. Yelvington: That's a good idea. Ms. DeVries: I'm not ready to say yes yet on the motion. Mr. Showe: There is a motion and a second on the table. On VOICE VOTE with Mr. Macheras, Mr. Rysztogi, Mr. Dale and Ms. Yelvington in favor and Ms. DeVries dissenting, including the restaurant and golf operations in the financials and review additional reporting items at the workshop was approved. (Motion Passed 4-1) Mr. Showe: I'll start beating some heads tomorrow. Mr. Moller: As of yesterday, golf had $125,000 in round revenue, which is $28,000 better than last January, with the last couple days that we just had. Ms. Yelvington: How much better? Mr. Moller: $28,000. Mr. Dale: For the month of January. Mr. Rysztogi: I saw people golfing in the rain the other day. There was no lightning. Mr. Moller: Yeah. We received about 2 1/3 inches of rain. I was a little afraid just because of the way it's falling. You kind of think of it like a sponge, where if you took, a cup of water and poured it on a sponge at once, it sheets off. Mr. Macheras: Right. Mr. Moller: As opposed to just slowly dripping it. But the golf course handled it well. It was wet, but we were open. Although no one came and I think we made $1,000. But today's the last really bad day. Tomorrow is supposed to be cold and a little bit windy, but skies are clearing. Basically, until the end of the month, we should have some decent weather. Mr. Macheras: With the work that we redid on the sand traps, how does it look? Mr. Moller: They held up. With food and beverage, we’re sitting at $50,000, which is about $8,000 better than we were last January. Last January, we broke even. So, if we can keep our labor in check, we should break even again, hopefully. Mr. Dale: Alright, because I had a couple of questions. I don't know if you're done with your report. Mr. Moller: I’m done with financials, if you want to go ahead. Mr. Dale: I do. In talking to you, our Restaurant Manager and Marketing Manager, I guess one of the things you already know, but I just want to bring to the attention of the Board, which kind of ties in with the financials and the way things were getting reported, I guess the snacks for the pro shop were not being added into revenue for the restaurant. It doesn't sound like a lot, but I think you determined the net to be somewhere around $1,200 per quarter or $5,000 per year. That should have been going into the restaurant column, but it wasn’t. Mr. Moller: This year has been corrected. Mr. Showe: That's the difference between the $8,000 and the $3,000. That was the adjustment that was made. That's on my computer and not yours. Mr. Dale: So, that was that adjustment and we are good to go. I think what you had shared with me, Jim, was that we are going to make that revenue for this fiscal year, but it would be an accounting nightmare to go back and fix it for prior years, which I understand. It doesn't change the net operation of anything, but it does give a more accurate representation of what is going on with the restaurant. So, going forward, the snacks will be added into revenue for the restaurant. Okay. One of the other ones that our Marketing Manager was talking about, was Sassy Saturday. We had income derived for the restaurant from Sassy Saturday, but it wasn't getting added into the restaurant's profitability. Ms. Webb: Well, what happens is Sassy Saturday happens and the fee that we charge, includes so many drinks from the restaurant. This last Sassy Saturday was $45, which included $12 per person for beverages. You can take Hook & Eagle out of that fee, but we didn’t see that. Mr. Dale: So, $500 or 600 every month should be added into Hook & Eagle. Mr. Macheras: How would that happen? Do you submit that $45 to Jim, who submits it to Jason and subtract $12? There's a process that I'm not feeling comfortable with. Ms. Webb: I normally email David and they break it down. There are five girls and there is an amount that he gets for his lessons and the amount that Hook & Eagle should get for beverages and the rest goes to the golf course. Ms. Yelvington: These types of issues to me, become less of a problem when everything is under one roof on a report. We're going solve this problem by getting all of that under one roof. Mr. Showe: These were critical items that were supposed to be two separate operations, operating under separate contracts with separate vendors. Ms. Yelvington: Understood. Mr. Showe: That's why I’m eliminating that one segment and not looking at different profit numbers. It leads to a lot of, “Well, what about this and then this and this,” versus having one operation. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Ms. DeVries: I still think that would be an issue, if the $500 from Sassy Saturday isn't attributed to food and beverage revenue in this case. I still think that's an issue. Mr. Dale: You are right, because there is a sub-component. Ms. Yelvington: The tediousness of making sure if it's over here and it's not over there, matters less when it's just all on one report. Mr. Dale: But with that being said, with what Jen just said, are we able to make it retroactive for this fiscal year? Mr. Showe: I don't think we've done it for Sassy Saturday. I know we were doing the beverage cart. Mr. Dale: Can we fix Sassy Saturday? Ms. DeVries: It’s not in there. Mr. Macheras: I don't know. Are we splitting hairs for three months for $1,600. Mr. Dale: Where it becomes an issue, I think, is for our restaurant staff. Mr. Moller: Cost of goods. Mr. Macheras: Make sure the beers are accounted for. Mr. Dale: With the cost of goods. I have to admit, if I were a Restaurant Manager and just did $80,000 of production for a month, which is what we're doing, that's a $1 million restaurant and then all you keep hearing is, “Oh, but we lost money this month.” My thought process on it is, it has to be a little demoralizing. So, over the course of a year, with Sassy Saturday, I think $6,000 to $8,000 should be attributed to the restaurant. That's a chunk of their loss. Mr. Macheras: So, are we talking about going from October, November, December? Is that what we're looking at? Mr. Showe: Yes. Mr. Macheras: That's going to be between you three, to provide the numbers of how many Sassy Saturdays there were. Was it one Saturday a month? Is that right, Michelle? Ms. Webb: Yes. Mr. Macheras: So, we're looking at four days. We’re losing too much already. That's why y'all make me sit down here. Mr. Dale: Then at some point and I don't know where the proper injection of this is, but we've done a lot of talking about the Reserve Study and I just don't want to get through all of the financials and then say… Mr. Showe: Jim and I have provided them with all the information that they're looking for. He's received it all and we're just waiting for a revised report, at this point. Mr. Moller: Yeah, he has a couple questions for us and we answered them more than two weeks ago. Mr. Showe: Yep. Mr. Dale: Okay. So, we didn't forget about it over the holidays. Mr. Showe: Absolutely not. Mr. Dale: Alright. That's kind of the gist of it. I crossed it off of my list. Mr. Moller: Lastly, I brought it up before about our burglar system for the Clubhouse, maintenance and restaurant. We used to have ADT Commercial. They switched to Everon. The service is absolutely horrendous. Half of our items aren't even working and we cannot get anyone to come work on it. I know you had asked if we can get a couple more cameras, so I called Frank. We can switch over to a different alarm company, keeping Everon Fire. I don't want to mess with our fire system. We have to add another terminal for cameras, because our Clubhouse terminal is maxed. We can have a restaurant camera bank, Clubhouse camera bank and a maintenance camera bank and an additional $1,200 to add cameras in the restaurant. The equipment to switch over the burglar system, is about $5,100 with a $70 per month monitoring fee. Currently, we pay $269 per month in monitoring. Ms. Yelvington: That sounds like a great long-term investment for us. Mr. Moller: And we can get things working again, because we have a motion sensor in the pro shop that doesn't work and have a backdoor sensor in the restaurant that continuously goes off. We called Everon and you're like, “Okay, we'll contact one of our customer service advisors to get a hold of you to set up an appointment.” That doesn't happen, so we call back. We’re done. Mr. Rysztogi: So, who would he be going to? Mr. Moller: Modern Automated Systems. Frank does all of our camera work. Basically, his company will install it. It’s not like one of the big-name brand guys or anything like that. Ms. DeVries: Sounds good to me, as long as it's monitored. Mr. Moller: I don't know how many times at 2:00 a.m., I received a call from Everon saying that there was a communication error and our system was not communicating. It happens all the time. Mr. Dale: I'm almost at beyond an obvious savings here. There's a part of me that is wondering if the Board should even be involved in decisions like this? Mr. Moller: This is just information. Mr. Dale: Just information. Ms. DeVries: It sounds great, Jim and it is well within your purview. Mr. Moller: That ends my report. Mr. Dale: Please tell Frank that I need to talk to him. Mr. Showe: He actually is a resident of your District. We used him in several of our Districts. Mr. Moller: His last name is Rossi. Mr. Showe: His prices aren't out of line and he's very responsive. Mr. Dale: Yup. Ms. Yelvington: I have a question for you, Jim. Do you have any thoughts on what will it mean for our golf course when Turtle Creek is closed, because they announced that they're closing in a couple months? Right? Mr. Moller: Yes. Ms. Yelvington: Do we expect that will do anything to our revenues? Will more people be coming? Mr. Moller: I think that we will see more of a Summer clientele, than we will during the peak season. We're two different kind of golf courses. I think a lot of their clientele probably won't pay our seasonal rates. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. So, it should be a good thing for the golf course in the Summer months. Mr. Moller: Yeah. We might even see in the afternoons, a couple of GolfNow deals. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Moller: I think probably Baytree will get the most out of it. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. Mr. Dale: Aside from what was posted on social media, have you heard anything more about Twisted Birch? Ms. Yelvington: There was supposed to be a meeting today about the future of that. I don't know how that turned out. We'll have to stay tuned. Mr. Dale: It will be interesting to see. Ms. DeVries: Anything else for Jim? Hearing none, B. District Manager’s Report There being no comments, the next item followed. C. Lifestyle/Marketing Report D. Restaurant Report Ms. DeVries: Next is the Lifestyle/Marketing Report. Ms. Webb: Yes. I've been updating the website for a couple things but I started a Google Ad that I actually saw it on X. I don't know how it got on X, but maybe Google connected with X. So, now Hook & Eagle has an ad on X. I applied for it on the 14th and it started activating on the 18th. Since that has happened, we've had 1,689 active searches on our website, which is up 50%. Ms. Yelvington: Wow. Ms. Webb: And 44 active searches just today. So, whatever that's generating, there are people going to our website from Site Sessions, but they don't go through the pages or anything. Out of unique visitors, which means they explore the entire page, we had 1,401 hits, which is up 57%. We also had 11 clicks to contact, which is up 175%, either by email or phone number. Basically, on Google, 410 people looked for Hook & Eagle Tavern daily, with 32 clicks to our site, to look at the Hook & Eagle menu. 106 people typed in Hook & Eagle on the Google search bar and 26 clicked to look at our menu. 143 went directly to the Hook & Eagle, with 23 clicks to our site. So, it's generating people to look for our site and check us out. That's in a 50-mile radius of where we are. So that should cover quite a bit. That could go as far as Daytona, to this rounded circle. So far, January cost me $78.02, but it can go up to $300 per day. What Lacey is going to get, is all these little weird bills that they bill me, because it's per cycle. So, you may just want to forewarn her. That's new. We said we're going to go that route first. We did have Salsa Night again on Tuesday night. It was busy, even though it was cold and rainy. People were buying food and it stayed open later, because at 6:00 p.m., people were ordering meals. Jen said they didn't have anybody in there all day. Mr. Dale: Exactly how many tables did she have prior to 5:00 p.m.? Ms. Webb: One. Mr. Macheras: Well, I think that's big, because we're paying him how much? Ms. Webb: $150. Mr. Macheras: That's what we talked about before. As long as he's not the only one making money that night, then I'm all for it. Ms. Webb: I did talk to him and he did, say to them, “We're either going to do ticket sales at the door or whatever.” So, he's willing to talk about other ways, but then people came in and were ordering. I got there at 6:00 p.m. and I'm like, “Well, I didn't eat yet, but I guess I'm not eating” and then asked, “Why are y'all still open for food? We were told it was going to stop at 6:00 p.m. and they're like, “No, we have orders coming in.” It wasn't as crowded as it was the Tuesday we left. So, the people that came there, ate. Mr. Macheras: Which is good. So, remind me, on Tuesday, are we closing at 6:00 p.m.? Ms. Webb: Yes. Mr. Macheras: What time does he do his thing? Ms. Webb: 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mr. Macheras: So again, I'm just thinking in my mind though, are these people that are now staying later or are we bringing our labor in later to stay? You know, again, that's all part of that piece. If we say it's great, it's great, but do we have five people stay longer than they were going to stay? So, I'm just again boiling down to that scheduling. Are we adjusting our schedule, thinking we're going to be here until 9:30 p.m.? Ms. Webb: Well, so our plan was that they would close at 6:00 p.m. and the boys in the back of the kitchen would end and Jen was staying until closing. We only had one waitress, who handled the entire restaurant and all of the meals and drinks. Ms. DeVries: Did we have good drink sales this time? Ms. Webb: Yeah. She was making them all night long. Ms. DeVries: Not just water. Ms. Webb: It wasn't just water. What was nice, is now there's a community on Facebook that came in and we were the talk of Facebook. This is why I have to be careful about when we say we're going to stop doing wing nights, because I put out ads. That's why I had to say to Jim, “We can't just stop Wing Night, because it went out in Space Coast Living Winter Magazine.” So, that's an ad that's out there generating. We did have some teachers come in and said, “Oh they’re not doing Wing Night,” left our restaurant and went to Beef O’ Brady’s. So, we have to be careful. Therefore, I think we need to still keep Wing Night, but maybe not advertise it so much, because everybody around us has 99 cents Wing Night on Wednesdays. We're all competing for the same thing and if we don't have that, you're going to drive all of our people that do come in for our wings, to go to them. So, I think that's not a good marketing tool. Jim and I agreed on that one. But what I think is happening, is this group has about 2,700 people, that go to every place together. They meet up there. Well, we had five of them from that group at Salsa Night and they're like, “Yeah, we came in to see what's going on. One of the guys lives across in Somerville.” Is it Somerville? Mr. Dale: Yeah. Ms. Webb: He was so cute. He was there, with some of the single ladies, wanting to learn Salsa dancing. They gave the lesson and he got out there with them and then kept asking, “Can we practice again?” It was really cute to watch that. He's like, “I didn't know you guys did all this stuff” and he’s one of our CDD people. So, I think it's getting out there. I don't think that it's costing us anything. I know on Tuesday night, we were also competing with the other Latin group that had it at the Italian place, Tuscany. Normally theirs are from 3:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. and they changed it to 6:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. But a lot of people do follow Hans. Mr. Dale: Don't we have two large groups now, Hans group, which is hundreds of people and then this other group, which was at least 100 plus people that are all blasting us now? Ms. Webb: Yeah. Our calendar went on this social media page with 2,700 people, where people talked about having a Latin Night in February. So, it's definitely not something that I think is going to slow down. I think what we did, is we started in December, which was during the holidays, when a lot of people were gone, but we still had a big crowd, because people from Palm Bay and Titusville, come down for this. Then we had bad weather and said, “Nobody is going to show up” and it was packed. I want to still do it in February, as well as March, as I think it will become something that will give us some income. Since we're doing it as the restaurant's closed right now, it's more of an event for the community. So, if food is not being served at 6:00 p.m. and they're not ordering food, they need to go. But the person that we're going to be using for the front, needs to be able to manage it. Mr. Macheras: Is it once a month? Ms. Webb: It’s twice a month. Mr. Macheras: So, it's on the night we close at 6:00 p.m. and then we advertise it on social media? Ms. Webb: It is from 6:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. Mr. Macheras: Just the Salsa Night with drinks being served, that type of stuff. Ms. Webb: Yeah. Mr. Macheras: Okay. Alright, that’s why I just wanted to see how that was getting out there. Ms. Webb: Yeah. Jen and I talked about it. He said, “If they're going to come out to go dancing, they're not coming out to eat a big meal,” but if they want a meal, most of them will come out early.” Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Mr. Macheras: Gotcha. Ms. Webb: So, if we tell them after about 6:00 p.m., they're not serving, they'll show up at 5:00 p.m. or 5:30 p.m. to order. Jen and I talked. It needs to be someone who can handle it. She did fine. She actually made the most tips that night. So, she's very happy working it. Mr. Macheras: Good. Ms. Webb: I agree. I think someone who is very talented, can manage it, like Jen, but if you put somebody in there that is a little slower, they'll probably be fine, but they might not get the tips that they like. Mr. Macheras: Yeah, I get it. Ms. Webb: So, I would like to at least try it for two more months, to see if we can get the traffic up, because they only started at probably a bad time. I think we're going to get more and more people. Jen said more people come in from Salsa to eat there on off days. So, there are people coming. If you're driving up from Titusville to eat, that's a good thing. Mr. Macheras: Yeah. Ms. Webb: So, those are two of my big things that I've been working on. We have Music on a Patio booked through May. I have people constantly reaching out that they could be booked. Now I'm even telling them, “Listen, if you can't be $200 or under, I won't be booking it.” They're negotiating prices with me. So, I told him that I wasn't sure after May if we're going do it during the Summer. I think we should, because we're still slow. Now it's getting out. With a lot of these things, once it starts getting out, it becomes a regular thing and you're not doing it and then canceling it. I received an email today from a guy asking if we would do trivia again, because he's back in town and he used to love trivia. I told him there’s no trivia. Mr. Dale: Has there ever been a night for Music on the Patio that we have not recouped our expense of the singer? Ms. Webb: Yes, but I don't hire him anymore. Actually, there are two that I don't hire anymore. They're good and they’re nice, but they don't bring in anything. Mr. Dale: But if I'm hearing you correctly, the vast majority of the nights, we more than make our money back. Ms. Webb: Yeah, I think Jim has done that. Mr. Moller: We’ve done that a couple times. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Ms. Webb: Because even when we're there with the music, if you look inside, no one is in there and if you look outside, it's on patio. People are coming for that. Fridays and Saturday nights are our biggest nights. I do want to try a little karaoke during the week, on the patio. I think what happens on Friday nights, they get so many people that want to sing, that everybody gets to only sing one or two times. But they can come up and sing on the patio. It might satisfy them and be happy with it. We'll see. But if it works out really good... Mr. Dale: Maybe we should incorporate it with tournaments. Ms. Yelvington: Last week, I joined a Moms of Viera Facebook group. I don't know if you're part of that group. Ms. Webb: They don’t let businesses in. Ms. DeVries: My sister is in it. Ms. Yelvington: Okay. So, in that group, I guess people introduce themselves. Someone said, “I’m really energetic and I like to do things” and I told her about karaoke on Friday and a few people were like, “That sounds awesome.” Ms. Webb: Sometimes when I’m doing social media site searches, I try it with the business accounts here. You'll be surprised how many deny us. Even though their rules are, “You can post one business thing every week” and then I have to have those rules of which one I posted, so there is consistency. You can't post karaoke and this and that, because they’ll kick you off of the site. So, there's a lot of managing which site. You can only do it once a month or once a week, things like that, but I could look into it. Ms. Yelvington: I think there are still people learning about us out there and it’s going to continue to do better, I think. Ms. Webb: I did talk to someone the other day, who said, “Have you ever heard of Hook & Eagle” and I said, “Oh, yeah, it's in Rockledge, right?” I didn't really go anywhere from that, but I was like, “Have you ever heard of that restaurant?” I can't remember where we were. I think it was at Miller's Ale House. So, yeah. We’ll keep watching and making sure and if the Google Ad doesn't generate any action, I'll be like, “Okay, this isn’t working,” but I’ll make sure. Mr. DeVries: Anything else? Ms. Webb: That's it for me. Ms. DeVries: Okay. Thank you. EIGHTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Treasurer’s Report A. Approval of Check Register Ms. DeVries: Treasurer's Report. Mr. Showe: Yeah, we just have approval of the Check Register. In the General Fund, we have Checks #5294 through #5329 in the amount of $1,460,871.02. I will point out that about $1.4 million of that, is the transfer to debt as well as transferring your SBA account, so you guys aren’t accruing extra interest. For the Golf Course Fund, we have Checks #32212 through #32289 in the amount of $393,622, for a total amount of 1,854,493.55. We can take any questions or comments on those invoices or a motion to approve. Mr. Dale: I have a question. A couple months ago, we talked about purchasing $3,000 or $4,000 worth of golf balls, but in this registry, it showed that we purchased $3,700 worth of golf balls and then another $300 worth of golf balls. Mr. Moller: There were different manufacturers and some were range balls with a lot of resale. Mr. Dale: Okay. That's exactly where I was going with it. I was like, “How the heck are we going through that many range balls?” Ms. Yelvington: I thought that, too, when I saw that. Mr. Moller: It's not hard to do. Range balls get lost out there in soft conditions and get shanked into the lakes. Mr. Dale: I guess my only comment is just proper oversight. I'm sure you're doing that, but I just want to make sure that's drawn to attention. That's my only comment. Ms. DeVries: Are there any other questions or comments. Mr. Showe: If not, we would be looking for a motion to approve the Check Register. Ms. Yelvington: Are the strobe lights for security? Mr. Moller: If they're what I'm thinking of, they are for the top of the CDD maintenance carts. Ms. Yelvington: Oh, yeah, that's right. Okay, good. That's my only question. Mr. Dale: They have a side use for when we have Disco Night. Ms. Yelvington: I was wondering if we were turning into a different kind of club with strobe lights and loud music. On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Mr. Rysztogi with all in favor the Check Register for December 13, 2024 through January 17, 2025 in the amount of 1,854,493.55 was approved. B. Balance Sheet and Income Statements Mr. Showe: Behind that, is your Balance Sheet and Income Statement for December 31, 2024, which are included in your agenda package. No action is required by the Board. Obviously, we’ll get you a better draft at your workshop. On your assessments, you are at almost 90% already. So, you guys are in great shape on the assessment collection. That’s all we have. Mr. Dale: I'm sorry to keep jumping in, but we didn't bring up the action items. Mr. Showe: We did. Mr. Dale: Oh, well, then I snoozed through that part. But my comment with the Action Items List, was with the parking lot resurfacing. Mr. Showe: Gotcha. Let me add that back in. Mr. Dale: You know, we did cover that, when I was talking about the Reserve Study. Mr. Showe: Yeah. Mr. Dale: But I just want to make sure that we're not glossing over it, because we've been talking about it for three or four months, about getting quotes for resurfacing at the maintenance building and the park. I just want to make sure that is added then to the Action Items List. NINTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Supervisor’s Requests Ms. DeVries: Supervisor’s Requests. Rob? Mr. Dale: We've been talking about this logo for so long, but it is holding up our monument sign directly in front of the Clubhouse. The Board expressed an interest to change the logo, because we didn't want to be tied hand in hand with The Viera Company and I just want to talk about where we're at. I don't have a solution. Mr. Moller: I don’t have any suggestions. Mr. Dale: Marketing Manager, do you have any input? Ms. Webb: Well, I made some logos, but you didn't like them. Mr. Dale: Okay, but we have that nasty looking monument sign right in front of the Clubhouse and not having a logo, is what's holding it up. Mr. Moller: I say, let's grab the logos that we have and then we'll have them at the workshop and we can just say yay or nay. Mr. Dale: Okay. I just want to make sure that we're moving forward, because I keep looking at that nasty monument sign. Mr. Macheras: Just to piggyback on his Supervisor’s Request, is there something that we want to see? Do we want to see a golf ball, sunshine or Palm tree. Is there any input? Ms. Webb: Well, Jim and I kind of talked. We don't want to go too far away from what it looks like now, because we have so much stuff on there now. Ms. Yelvington: Yeah. Ms. Webb: We want to take off the little wheat things, but then that makes it a Viera Company sign. So, we have to doctor it a little bit, so it's not looking like the Viera side of The Viera Company. So, the wheat little things, kind of take it away from that, but we really don't have wheat. So, it's taking what we currently have and adding to it, because he was saying that the golf courses have their logo like a tree. Mr. Moller: Johns Island has a tree. Orange Tree has an orange tree, obviously. Seminole has an Indian head. I just like the minimalistic kind of look. Ms. DeVries: How about Viera with the compass pointing East? Mr. Moller: That’s not bad. Ms. Yelvington: That's pretty clever. Ms. Webb: We were trying to do a triangle. Mr. Moller: I still think those should be separate entities. Ms. Webb: Okay. Mr. Moller: Yeah. That's my opinion, but I could be persuaded. Ms. Webb: I keep trying. Mr. Dale: I am open minded on everything and I think it would be a great discussion for the workshop. I just want to make sure we're moving forward with it. Ms. Webb: So, do you want me to send ideas to Jim and have Jim pick out his top five? Mr. Dale: That sounds like a good idea. Mr. Moller: I'll make something, you make something, we'll bring it to a Board meeting and then we'll just check some slashes. Ms. Webb: Because I have the two golfers that work over there that have their ideas. Mr. Moller: I do want to add one more thing to my report, that I totally neglected. I would just like to give a shout out to my daughter who was just named All Space Coast Volleyball Honorable Mention. Ms. Yelvington: Nice. Mr. Dale: Very cool. Ms. Yelvington: Congratulations. Mr. Dale: Gotta be proud. Ms. DeVries: Yes. Mr. Moller: Stat wise, she should have been on the first team, but we're not going to go there. Mr. Showe: It sounds like you just did. Ms. DeVries: Alright. Let's go to Bill. Do you have any Supervisor’s Request, Bill? Mr. Macheras: Zero. Ms. DeVries: Okay, I will skip Ron for the moment. Denise? Ms. Yelvington: I don't think I have any at this moment. Ms. DeVries: Ron, do you have any Supervisor’s Request? Mr. Rysztogi: I have like everyone else, a goose egg. Ms. DeVries: Goose egg. Okay, then maybe somebody could make a motion to adjourn. TENTH ORDER OF BUSINESS Adjournment On MOTION by Mr. Macheras seconded by Ms. Yelvington with all in favor the meeting was adjourned at 8:00 p.m. Secretary/Assistant Secretary Chairman/Vice Chairman